

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cheery Chipboard


I never use chipboard….well, never is a strong word.  Hardly ever!  But Ann at Creative Antics led me to a cute blog called wee Memories; they are having a challenge to use chipboard.  AND the Everything But The Kitchen Sink blog is having a button challenge!  And buttons I DO use! It also qualifies for the Limelight Sketch Challenge 53:

limelight sketch 53

  So I pulled out some retired SU chipboard, some colorful DP scraps from various makers and some buttons and went to work:


I apologize for the odd photo—my sister is visiting and staying in my spare bedroom, which is also my photography “studio”!! LOL!  So I set up my photo area on the floor of my craft room and was taking this picture practically laying down…..anyway, here it is!  I did some stitching and made a cute little tag; this card is larger than an A2; I had some larger envelopes so I just made it to fit one of them!!  Plus it needed to be bigger to fit those fun flowers!  I used circle punches to punch the centers out of the different DPs…such a great help!  And made for some fun embellishments on the inside:


They are good for covering up smudges that your inky fingers may have made, too…..just sayin’,  in case that might happen to anyone….

Thanks for visiting today!!!

  • Stamps:  Best Yet (ret SU), Birthday Centers, CHF
  • Paper:  Naturals White, Baja Breeze, Thrift Shop, October Afternoon; Home, MME; Garden Variety, Cosmo Cricket 
  • Ink:  Rose Red, Old Olive
  • Acc:  Chipboard (ret SU), Daubers, Circle Punches, Brights & Neutral Buttons, string, Large Tag Punch, Dimensionals,  Pinking Hearts Border Punch, Scallop Border Punch, Small Heart Punch, Brights Brads, Sewing Machine


  1. LOL, pictures taken practically laying down....I'm laughing because I've done that, hehe! Great card! Your sewing is beautiful and I love the combo of papers!

  2. Ha!! I love the lenghts we go to to get photos of our work!! Funny!! This is a lovely card: bright and cheery and fun!! Love your tag and flowers!

  3. Thanks for the tip. I really needed it. I am going to have circle punches all over my cards now.
    The photo is great.
    Hey it is count down to baby right? I remember the 10th. That is my sisters birthday.
    Remember to breath!

  4. I'm the queen of inky fingers!!! Most of my embellishments are covering some kind of smudge or something. Enough about me...this card is adorable! You have inspired me to use chipboard...which I have NEVER ever used before. You rock, LeAnne!!

  5. Oh, yeah, I am inspired too, LeAnne, to use chipboard. I have so many packages laying around I so am getting some out and try to make a fun card like yours!!! Your little card will make the recipient have one cheery day!! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  6. Beautiful card..really love the colors!!!

  7. So glad you got to your sewing machine for this one! ;-) Adorable card, love all the colors and papers but I really love the inside--those circles are so much FUN!

  8. This is such a lovely card LeAnne!! Hope all is well with you!

  9. Fabbie card, LeAnne!!! Gorgeous layered chipboard flowers!!!

  10. Really cute! Love the fun colours. Thanks for the tip on punched out circles...
    Lesley :)

  11. I just love the patterns and design of this colorful card! That little tag is so cute with the strip of DP and punched border! Beautifully detailed! I hope you enjoy your visit with your sister and don't have to lie down to photograph too many more cards! LOL

  12. Hey!!! Can i just say that this layout you made looks like the Challenge for this week's Limelight Papercrafts Challenge too...did you enter it there?

  13. Very cheery! Love those big ol' flowers and the bright colors!

  14. Very pretty... I like the bright and cheery and also the flowers!

  15. Way too fun and colorful! LOVE it! :)

  16. I love this! All those darling patterns make for one darling card :) Glad you joined us at Wee Memories!

  17. Love, love, love your creation, LeAnne! The colors and patterns are SO fun! Thanks for playing the Wee Memories AND Kitchen Sink challenges...I feel so loved! :D

  18. LeAnne, this is absolutely beautiful! I love everything about it-the colors, the images, the design-perfect! Thanks for joining us over at Wee Memories this week!

  19. This is fabulous, LeAnne! You do chipboard right!! Sending hugs!

  20. I love this card. The colors so cheerful & the design simply beautiful. Thank you for joining us at Wee Memories Challenge. :)

  21. I guess you should use chipboard more often, my dear! This is CUTE!!! LOVE the mix of papers and textures!

  22. Very pretty card! I love the colors and the stitching! :)

  23. I love your bold and colorful combo of patterend papers. The chipboard flowers are so fun.

  24. Ha ha... Oh and this is so super cute.

  25. Ohhhh, the things we do to get our craft ON! Hee Hee Glad you got down and dirty to take these photos - YOUR CARD LOOKS EXQUISITE! AND your use of chipboard is phenomenal! Wahoooo, to YOU!

  26. Very cute LeAnne. The stitching really finishes it off.

  27. Cheery chipboard is right. This card puts a huge smile on my face. Love the bright paper and buttons. Whata sweet card!

  28. Both cards are beautiful!! the circle punch is very very good to use in that flowers. Like a lot!

  29. Ha Ha! I have to almost lay down to take my card pics sometimes too! :) Very pretty card! I love the colors! Thanks for playing with us in the EBTKS challenge! :)

  30. Beautiful, LeAnne! I absolutely love the brightness and cheerfulness of this card!! I am loving the circles on the inside because they match the sketch on the outside, too!! (And they serve a functional purpose...heehee!)

  31. Oh, and I'm featuring your card on my blog today!!


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