

Thursday, July 29, 2010

SC291 Vintage Halloween


I just love the new SU set called Greeting Card Kids….these sweet little vintage images are right up my alley!  I had this Halloween image already colored last week, but since I’ve been a bit busy this week, hadn’t had time to make it into anything!  Yesterday’s SCS Sketch #291 seemed like a good fit, so I made a Tangerine Tango card and added some new Love Letter DP for my creation:


I really love watercoloring, but it is time-consuming and I always feel like I am in a big hurry, but I did relax and take my time with this one!  I added some naked buttons, a little nestie mat and some narrow taffeta ribbon atop a Perfect Polka Dots-embossed mat.  She is a sweetie:


An aquapainter and reinkers, some Stazon and watercolor paper and I am happier than a pig in mud!  Thanks for visiting today; I am still glowing from my beautiful birthday celebration yesterday!  Thanks again, everyone!

  • Stamps:  Greeting Card Kids, All Holidays
  • Paper:  Tangering Tango, Perfect Plum, Old Olive, Love Letter, Watercolor
  • Ink:  Stazon, Misc reinkiers
  • Acc:  Nesties, Aquapainter, Narrow Taffeta Ribbon, Dimensionals, Modern Label Punch, SU buttons


  1. Ohhh, my, she is totally adorable! Sweet card, LeAnne!

  2. I just saw these in the new catty this morning - they are adorable! Your card is total cuteness, LeAnne!!!

  3. This card is amazing!!!! I love the watercolour it makes the little girl look so real :-)

    (psst - Your card fits perfectly into this week's Hand Stamped Sentiments challenge:

  4. OMGosh, she is ADORABLE!!! Fabulous coloring too, girlfriend!

  5. This card rocks!! The image is soooo adorable!!!!

  6. I love how you colored this sweet image!! Toss those Copics away, you obviously don't need them!!! I love the buttons and great colors on this!!

  7. Such a sweet and fun Halloween card! :)

  8. fabulous LeAnne, your coloring is amazing!
    To answer your question about distressing, I use scissors...I edited on my post a little more, you where correct.

    enjoy *~*

  9. I have had my eyes on these stamps too. They remind me of Dick and Jane from the reading books in the 52's. Your coloring is wonderful or water coloring is wonderful. I haven't tried that paper yet I better do that. I have been working very hard taking all my stamps off the wood. I have a couple of Idea Books from 2001-02,02-03 from the first time I went to a SU class. There are really some wonderful ideas in those books, and some stamps. I am going to be looking for some of them. One I really like is called Vintage Postcard. That is so cute. I bid on it at EBay but lost. I always loose. I am not sure how to play there.
    Sorry rambling.

  10. I just might have to order this set - this is adorable!

  11. I'm just SUCH a fan of the serenity of a lil' watercolor! This is one FANTASTIC piece, LeAnne! I'm glad it made you happy because I sure feel that way just lookin' at it! {SUCH cute stamps!} AND, you naughty thing - NAKED BUTTONS! But somehow, it WORKS! Wahooooo!

  12. Oh man - another cute set I'm gonna HAFTA buy... such a PERFECT card, LeAnne!

  13. Awesome card! Your coloring is wonderful, love that cute image! The DP is perfect, along with the ribbon, button and embossing!


  14. What a super card. Your coloring is stellar. {and I adore that stamp set}

  15. This is so adorable..what a cute image! Love it :)

  16. Great coloring on that cute little witch LeAnne! love the DP on this too!

  17. Really cute card, and really great coloring! Hope your birthday was fantastic. :)


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