

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vintage Sewing Collage

Just a quick little post today….not sure how much stamping time I will have, so I thought I would post another card I made for the sale basket at my Curves:


I did a little collage of images from a new CHF set I just got called Sew Special.  Oh my goodness, I am IN LOVE with this set.  I am such a softie for vintage sewing stuff!  Anyway, I stamped my images in Basic Gray and Going Gray on Very Vanilla, then added some faux lace eyelet (see tutorial here on Sage’s blog), a punched border and my sentiment from Teeny Tiny Wishes.  The DP is from K&Co, Small Wonders Boy; ribbon is retired SU.  

Is anyone challenge-challenged?  There are so many out there, I am suffering from withdrawal, since I just can’t get to them all!  Anyone else feel my frustration?  I wish there were more hours in the day!



  1. Oh LeAnne!.....I'm seriously swooning over this one. G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!!!!!!

  2. I understand the challenge frustrations. There are just so many out there that I would like to try. But, I have limited myself to 2-3 a month. Sometimes only one a month. Because it can drive you crazy trying to get all those challenges done along with all the other cards I make. So that's how I handle it. And, I love your sewing theme card! It is just beautiful.

  3. Love it LeAnne! Some Mommy will be so thrilled to receive it! The soft colours are so pretty!

    I know what you mean about Challenge overload! I was feeling that ay this weekend, but I have been slowly getting around to my favs! I combined the CTD with my 10 minute challenge this week!! And I am offering Blog Candy for the first time tomorrow with my post! Yippee!!

    Have a great day!
    Lesley ;)

  4. Oh. My. Gosh. I am in LOVE with this! Totally vintage and I love that faux eyelet lace! Thanks for the link--that's some cool stuff!

  5. This is a fabulous card.
    I generally don't do challenges, because of my schedule I only have time to stamp on a Saturday night or a Sunday afternoon. With those restrictions I almost always miss the deadline. But I love seeing what you do with the challenges, and they do ultimately push my creativity and give me ideas.

  6. Love the sewing images-made a really pretty card.

    I used to try to do the daily challenges on SCS when I first started stamping and they really helped me learn and try new techniques. Seems I don't get around to very many anymore; the older I get the slower I get!!

  7. LeAnne, This card is just wonderful. I just love the color combo! Thanks so much for sharing with us all.

  8. What a great card! Love your ruffled eyelet paper border! :)

  9. Oh My Goodness this is Wonderful. I really love this card!!!

  10. WoW, this is just gorgeous, LeAnne!

    I feel your challenge pain ... I'm totally addicted to challenges. LOL, I think I need to see someone about it!

    Here's what we need: someone to create a blog that's updated daily with all the challenge blogs out there. And not just listing the name of the challenge; listing the requirements too. THAT would help us challenge-addicts!

    Now, who can we convince to do it?!? LOL!

  11. Love this! Blue and vintage... Perfect combo!



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