

Monday, May 10, 2010



I am soooooo far behind in everything today….I feel like I cannot get anything accomplished! I did manage to stamp a few CAS Father’s Day cards, but still need to put some poems or sentiments or something inside. These will be for my Curves basket; the ladies really seem to like cards that are NOT blank on the inside, so I have to step it up a bit! Both cards use the CAS 66 sketch challenge on SCS today. My first one uses a set from H&M stamps, and I made a little “scene” by stamping and masking my images:


I realize that the Copics I used on this one don’t exactly match my SU DP!! Oh well! The next one uses a cabin scene from Stampscapes:


This was a fast card, but it looked a bit plain….but once I sponged on the Bashful Blue around the sky and lake, it looked better….tied it into the DP as well. I don’t like masculine cards to be too fussy, so I just added a little bit of linen thread on this one.

I also wanted to show you some more cards I received lately. This Easter beauty is from my friend Athena and her family:


And a clever punch-out owl card from Kathy:


And I was blessed by winning the Crafty Secrets Papercraft Planet blog candy, from Diane and Jan!!! Diane made my beautiful card, and decorated the gift tins; Jan sent some 3D shadowbox frames like the one I did here. THANK YOU SO MUCH, ladies!!!


As always, if you have any questions about anything I’ve used in my creations, just send me an email! Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day! Now I need to go CLEAN UP my stamp room! Edited to add: the vellum diecut on Diane's card is the Shapeabilities Lotus Pendant!


  1. The bottom card! WOW! How did you do the vellum die cut background piece?

  2. Too cute! Love the fishing boots! I'm in a funk. DH is in countdown mode for departure on Wednesday and I can't get creatively motivated. Hopefully tonight! ~chris

  3. Wow LeAnne, these are beautiful cards. I love the cabin, that is a beautiful stamp and you really colored it in well. I love the cross underneath the vellum too. Really nice touches. Thanks for sharing the stuff I sent. Take care, ~Diane

  4. Love your Father's Day cards with your copic work...fabulous! :)

  5. I sure do like that cabin image-great card. I have their site bookmarked but haven't ordered yet-thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow, these are GREAT guy cards! I really love the first one!

  7. Fabulous masculine cards, with just the right amount of embellishment for the guys!

  8. Great eye candy, LeAnne! You totally rocked the sketch challenge, too!

  9. These are awesome. My favorite is the one with the sweet!

  10. Great father's day cards and I love them both! Your RAKS and prizes are lovely, and the more I see that lotus diecut, the more I think I must have it :)


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!