

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Easel Card


I haven't done a technique challenge at SCS for a while, but I kept seeing these intriguing cards around, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  This is EASY to do, but one of the those ones that you feel as if you need to include directions in the envelope for the recipient!!!  Anyway, since I have carpet installers coming today, here it is, quickly:


The button props up the "easel"; it then folds flat to mail, although with a double button, this one won't exactly be flat!!  The folded size is 4 1/4" but it is easily adaptable.  More details can be found here; the textured Real Red cardstock, DP, and the round embellishment are from the Christmas Jingle SB kit; images are from Season of Joy and the ribbon is from the mini catalog, Mistletoe.  Thanks for visiting today---hopefully I can stamp something this afternoon!


  1. What a fun and festive card! You're right about the button, though.

  2. VERY cute, LeAnne! I was seeing a lot of those cards around too, and thought maybe I'd give it a try!

  3. SO Adorable LeAnne! Love these easel fun!

  4. This is so pretty! Yeah, I'd probably need instructions! LOL!

  5. Very neat fold! A special holiday card!

  6. This card is AWESOME Le Anne! I love it! I love how you put that button on the bottom flap! Thanks for the inspiration-I never would have tried this technique! :)

  7. LeAnne, this is gorgeous!! I need to try to make one of these today!! It's a fabby way to showcase a handmade card!! TFS!

  8. Love it LeAnne.. I printed off the instructions for this one but haven't had a chance to play yet... Maybe this weekend.

  9. That is so fun, and it looks very easy. I may have to try one of those.
    Hope the carpet install goes well.

  10. I love your easel card - now I have to try it too!

  11. LeAnne, your easel card came out fabulous!!! I just printed the instructions out last night, so I'll have to give it a try. I am sure it won't be as GORGEOUS as yours though. Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  12. I have been seeing these cards too floating around the gallery and hope soon to give it a try. Yours is beautiful, LeAnne! I love that you used that Scrap Kit for it! LOVE IT!!

  13. This is perfect! I love it! I have not seen one of these!! What a great idea!

  14. Oh, gosh! What a great idea! You're fabulous, LeAnne! In addition to the fancy engineering, may I say: FABULOUS card crafting! Such cute work! What a great share and NOW ~ new carpet! You're a mover and a shaker! Love YOUR show!

  15. Fabbo LeAnne, that is wonderful!

  16. WOW!! This is fabulous!! I really love the beautiful fold on this card! Such a gorgeous tree and colors too!! How fun!!

  17. Gorgeous card LeeAnn!! Love the colours and the easle....I'll have to try that sometime, it looks really cool!

  18. WoW!! I love, love, love this!! I think I'll be CASE'ing this beauty!! TFS your easel card!!

  19. Love this! Thanks for the inspiration!


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