

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Diva Coffee Break Designs Challenge 148

Despite the fact that my computer is sicko, I managed to get a card made and my dear sister allowed me to use her computer to load and edit it; actually, I used her camera too---she is such a sweetie! This week the Divas have a color challenge for you to try:

I wanted to make a fairly quick card, so I pulled out my trusty Holiday Blitz and made an apple-themed birthday card:

Everything is pretty straightforward; the apples were stamped in each of the challenge colors; I wiped off the stem and leaf and used a marker to color them in; each one was punched with a 1" punch, then mounted on a 1 1/4" mat. They are mounted on a piece of Thoroughly Modern DP as well as a piece of Dusty Durango, and I added a little accent piece of Garden Green. The DD ribbon, pulled through a piece of Very Vanilla HPH broke up the empty space, as did the piercings I did with my paper piercer & mat. The sentiment from Teeny Tiny Wishes was stamped using a Stamp-a-ma-Jig to line it up.

Be sure to check the DCBD blog for all the other samples the divas have made, and be sure you play along too! Link your creation up right there with Mr Linky so we can them all!

  • Stamps: Holiday Blitz, Teeny Tiny Wishes
  • Paper: Kraft, Dusty Durango, Garden Green, Crushed Curry, Very Vanilla, Thoroughly Modern DP
  • Ink: Dusty Durango, Garden Green, Crushed Curry
  • Acc: Circle Punches, SAMJ, DD Polka Dotted Ribbon, Dimensionals, Paper Piercer, HPH, Scallop Edge Punch


  1. Ohhhhh, baby! That's sweeeeet! Such a great way to celebrate these gorgeous colors! {I don't think you needed a "Stamp-a-majig!" at all!} So glad you are back in BLOGLAND!

  2. This is such a cute card!! Love it!!

  3. I'm really lovin' this card. The colors are great and the piercing and hardware are such nice touches. Gonna CASE this one!

  4. LOVE IT!! This is great LeAnne, you've made me actually like these colors together! LOL! I especially love your ribbon treatment with the piercing- so unique!!

  5. Ooooh, that is a NICE color combo! I might have to try that! Great card, LeAnne! The colors are perfect for your cute apples, and I LOVE the pierced circle with the ribbon/hardware embellishment!

  6. oh LeAnne this is so adorable.
    I love those apples.
    What a great design, cause they come in those colours.
    Whow you are so SMART
    love it
    thank you for sharing

    AKA Stampin Stressaway

  7. Leanne, your card is absolutely lovely

  8. Oh my, this is beautiful too! LOVE IT!!!

  9. I love the piercing. It is such a quick and easy thing to do, but you have done it with such style.

  10. Fantastic card LeAnne! Oh boy - another stamp set I am going to have to get - love that apple! All of your elements are just perfect on this - the scallop, the piercing - the hardware and ribbon - just wonderful! ~chris

  11. Love that card, LeAnne--simple and beautiful--the layout is fabulous~

  12. Love this! That piercing just sets everything off!!!


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