

Monday, September 21, 2009

Busy, Busy Weekend

I had a wonderful but busy weekend!  On Saturday, I attended my upline meeting and had a good time stamping, chatting and catching up with friends!  You can tell these are a couple of the FUN-loving ones, Kimberly and Ellen!


And Georgette and Sheilah are two of my favoritest stampers!  They are just so sweet!


I am not really much of a photographer, so I didn't get many other "people" shots, but here's a quick look at the swap that I contributed (I'll show more goodies during the week):


and take a look at THIS!!!  This was the raffle prize I WON!:


This was from Janis, using a template she purchased from Becky Roberts at Inking Idaho!  It contains hot chocolate, marshmallows and candy!!! Mmmmmmm!

Then on Sunday, I had my own downline meeting!  We did the same thing, on a much smaller scale!

Here are Sue and Penny:



The giggly ones, Athena and Shawn:


And Laura and Carol with their Halloween Sweet Centers cards designed by Mike Funke:


One of the techniques demo'ed was brayering on the new embossing folder, Petals-a-Plenty; it was brayered with white ink, a piece of Bordering Blue cardstock was then inserted, and it was run through the Big Shot.  Finally, a few of the flowers were highlighted with the Silver Shimmer Paint:


The Shimmer Paint was also used to ink the poinsettia stamp from Spotlight on Christmas; sentiment is from Christmas Punch.  Cardstocks are Whisper White, Bordering Blue, Not Quite Navy and Brushed Silver.  Here's a little better view:








I have so much more to show you!  Be sure to stop back soon!


  1. Looks like you had a ball! Love the brayer embossing folder card! Gorgeous!

  2. WOW, LeAnne, looks like you did indeed have a wonderful time!!! Looking forward to see what else you've got for us this week :D. Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  3. Looks like everyone had fun! I love your raffle prize, how cool!!! I just saw that EF and shimmer paint demoed last week and immediately ordered it!! Beautiful cards, TFS!!

  4. How fun, LeAnne! You look like you had such a fabulous weekend! Love the projects that you shared. I also liked the idea that you used the shimmer paints on. I just recently ordered some of that so I will be giving that a try! LOVED your door prize! I too purchased that template from Becky Roberts and they make such great gifts! TFS

  5. Looks like you had a productive weekend. I love these projects. Your swap for your upline is inspiring and your card for your downline is so great!
    (nice raffle prize too!)

  6. Lucky you to win such a fabulous prize! Your swap card is beautiful, and that snowflake card is GORGEOUS! Looks like you had a ton of fun! You're such an awesome demo!

  7. Look at all the FUN you ladies had! I SO miss that! And I LOVE the Dasher card... and thanks for sharing all the goodies you made!


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