

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Diva Coffee Break Designs #142

Another Wednesday, another wonderful challenge from the divas at Diva Coffee Break Designs! This week, it's a color challenge:

Aren't these lovely colors? I pulled out a pretty set that I haven't used for a while, Dreams duJour and did some watercoloring after I stamped the image in Basic Brown ink:

It is difficult to see in the photo, but I used the swirly Background Texturz plate on the Very Vanilla piece, and the small polka dot Texturz on the chocolate chip piece, which was also stamped with the background stamp, Tres Chic. I added some eyelet punched borders, pierced corners, some ribbon and glitter, and my card was done!

Thanks for visiting today, and be sure to check out what the other Divas have done! Then play along and add your creation to Mr Linky on the DCBD blog! We can't wait to see what you come up with!


  1. These colors are awesome! Gosh, I'd never heard of that challenge before, where have I been? Pretty, pretty card!!

  2. I love this card! I have this set but have been hesitant to use it because of the beautiful work that I have seen other people do...A little intimidated I guess.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh, this is really, really pretty! Love those colors together!

  4. such gorgeous texture and dimension! Way to go!

  5. I love the depth and richness of this card. Your sponging on the edge punched pieces really adds to it! Great card. ~chris

  6. What a gorgeous card! I love the layers of scalloped edges and the way you layered the medallion.

  7. Ohhhhhhhh now this is a beauty, LeAnne! I love this layout & the colors! WOWZA!

  8. Oooh, LeAnne, this is lovely!

  9. What a lovely card!


    Pay It forward Giveaway:

  10. Beautiful! The sponging really adds to the eyelet borders.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!