

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Christmas in July 2009

Yes, it's that time of the year again! I had my 4th annual CIJ Stamp Camp and we made some fun, simple cards! I will not be listing all the ingredients, but feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


This card uses Holiday Blitz images; base is Sahara Sand. I believe the layout came from the CAS blog.


I thought I had gotten this idea from Nicki's blog, but I couldn't find it there, so perhaps if someone remembers, they can let me know. It is very simple but striking! Here is what it looks like on the inside:

Edited to add: It was Leonie's blog! You can see her sample here.


These images are all stamped in Encore Gold for a rich look.

(Sorry for the bad pix--I am dealing with a sinus headache today and just don't feel like dealing with them!)

DSCF4616 This uses the pinecone image from Autumn Days along with the Soft Holly wheel.

DSCF4613 And last, a non-SU card; these images are from Artistic Outpost. They have wonderful vintage images that I just love!

Be sure to stop back tomorrow as it is Color Throwdown Wednesday! We're changing things up a little, so make sure you "tune in!" TFL!


  1. LeAnne, these are beautiful! I particularly like the middle two!! Fantastic! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  2. All of these are fabulous! And good for you for getting a head start!

  3. I love your Christmas cards, and you've made me feel guilty for not even thinking of mine yet....soon! I love the first one because I'm a sucker for red and green when it comes to the holidays.
    Hope the sinus headache subsides, I'm off to think snow...

  4. Wish I could have come! These are awesome!

  5. Wow, these are all fabbo, I love that white one with the gold star, very effective!

  6. Beautiful cards LeAnne. Be sure to check out the Artistic Outpost Referral program

  7. Great cards! This reminds me...I need to get going on least get my ideas anyway!

  8. Leanne, these are lovely, i really must get some xmas cards done! its getting nearer and nearer - i know i will be on a mental panic come the time!
    These are lovely tho, really nice

  9. Love the star card. Those are super examples, all of them.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!