

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunglasses and Umbrellas


You'd better put your sunglasses on...this umbrella is bright! For Karen's "The Sweetest Thing" sketch challenge today, I pulled out several BG Euphoria papers. Lots of bright colors and patterns make for a LOUD card:



I discovered that Melon Mambo matched these papers perfectly! Really not much to it except for the thank you from retiring Seeing Spots, and the umbrella from PTI's Scattered Showers. Card base is Bashful Blue, ink is Baja Breeze and Melon Mambo, along with some MM dotted ribbon and some dew drops! I did accent the flowers with a jelly roll pen.

Yesterday was my niece's graduation party---it poured rain, but we had fun anyway! She loves Burt's Bees products, and I happened to find a little assortment on sale, so I thought a little pizza box would be fun, especially since I am continuing on my "bee" kick! So I stamped The Bee List and colored it in:


Made a little pizza box (you can find the directions at SCS here) with SU's new Crushed Curry - an awesome color for bee stuff - and added some Recycled K&Co DP:


and plopped in the Burt's Bees:


and then wrapped it up and added a couple little embellishments:


She loved it! She is leaving next Saturday to go to Africa for a month on a Mercy Ship, and then will return home to begin nursing school in late August. She has always exhibited a caring heart, not only for the physically sick, but the spiritually needy as well. We can't wait to see what God brings her way!


  1. Oh, I love bright colors, so I think your umbrella looks fabulous! And how cute is that pizza box with the bees?! LOVE it!

  2. LOVE this card, LeAnne! I adore that umbrella - very cute! Thanks for playing!

  3. LOUD!!!! No... BEAUTIFUL, most definately. This is gorgeous LeAnne.
    I love love it.


  4. Fabulous creations LeAnne! The umbrella card is so bright and cheery! And the BB box and gift is so creative! I can see why your niece loved it! :)

  5. Gorgeous! Anyone would love it! Great umbrella! ~chris

  6. The bee box is just perfect with Bert's Bees stuff in it. I love the umbrella too, not too bright at all, and so full of cheer!

  7. Oh I love all of that fabulous color, LeAnne!!! Your pizza box is just the cutest ever!!

  8. Oh, this is so cute LeAnne! She must have loved it! What a thoughtful and useful gift for someone who will soon be travelling afar!

  9. Love your card and that pizza box and list are just adorable!

  10. Oh I love your little bee box LeAnne! Totally made me smile. I'll be putting my bees to work on some Crushed Curry in the future!

  11. Oh what a great card, love the umbrella!!!!!! And the bee box, wow, how creative!!!! too cute :-)

  12. ADORABLE!!!!! I love this! What a great gift idea! Girl, YOU ROCK!

    Have a great day!

  13. LOVE the colors on your first card... no sunglasses needed for that beauty! And the "Bee" gift is ADORABLE!!! What a fabulous idea!

  14. WOW these are just great! love the little umbrella one, so cute and the bees, well they are just the cutest!

  15. I love your bee box and I've gotta tell you the pink card is just delightful! It just makes me want to smile!

  16. Oh, this is so very cute!! I love Burt's Bees products, and that CHF stamp is just perfect... what a great idea to put them together!

  17. Oh these are BEAUTIFUL!! Love 'em both!


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