

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy News

Lots of happiness today, as my daughter is out of the hospital and feeling much better.  Thanks to all who prayed for her and extended get-well wishes to her and my dad, who is still on the mend.  Without going into a lot of details, her main issue was migraines; in an effort to determine the source of the pain, she had a spinal tap and had some after-effects.  An epidural blood patch was needed to correct the problem--and it worked!  She is home and on the mend.  Again, thanks so much!


  1. So glad to hear she's doing better! Take care my friend!

  2. I'm so glad she's out of the hospital and that your dad is on the mend. Thanks for sharing the good news!

  3. Happy to hear your DD and Father are on the mend! I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. I am so glad to hear that everyone is doing better! Miss you!

  5. Sorry to hear about your dad and your daughter - so glad the news is getting better on both fronts...

  6. Great news! So glad she is home and feeling better. Prayers still going up for your dad! ~chris

  7. I am so glad to hear they have found help for her. Years ago I was having them 2 out of 3 days for months. My kids had to fend for themselves after school til dad got home. Thank you for not giving up trying to find a solution.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear this but I'm so glad she's feeling better! I'm been sick and haven't been doing my usual blog hopping and I'm way out of the loop! I will continue to pray for your daughter that she will stay well :)


  9. I am so glad that she is doing better! Thanks for keeping us updated!

  10. This is HAPPY news LeAnne! :) Praise the Lord!

  11. Well, thank God they were able to relieve her pain. Yahoo! That's great news!

  12. Oh so happy to hear this! I wish for your daughter a FAST recovery and your dad is doing well.... GOD BLESS!! :)


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