

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Tree for OCCC


This week's challenge at Our Creative Corner is a sketch:

OCC 2-28-09

But before I show you my card, if you'll bear with me, I want to share a little "God" moment about our recent trip to San Juan.  My in-laws have a time share there, and instead of staying at the time share, they rent it out to someone else, and then stay at another condo.  Our church sponsors missionaries who also live in San Juan, so we made arrangements for their family to come to the condo and we had a cookout.  When they arrived and came to the apartment, they were full of chatter--it seems that when they first came to PR and were looking at housing to purchase, our apartment was the SAME one they rented for a month!!!  Now mind you, my in-laws do not go to my church, they never met these people at all, so there was no connection!!  What are the chances of THAT happening?  There must be thousands of apartments in San Juan!!!  Anyway, the wife had just lost her father the day before, so I made this card as a sympathy card for her.  Another funny thing--she stamps, and her husband complained about the tub of stamps he lugged around from mission field to mission field, and yes, they were SU stamps!!!


I wanted a masculine feel to the card, and used subdued colors.  Thanks for visiting today!  Be sure to stop back tomorrow for the Color Throwdown Challenge!

  • Stamps:  Lovely as a Tree, Always in my Thoughts
  • Paper:  Confetti White, Sahara Sand, Always Artichoke, Manchester DP
  • Ink:  Always Artichoke
  • Acc:  Nesties, Scallop Edge Punch, Dimensionals, Button from my stash, Linen Thread, Hemp Twine, Sponge Daubers


  1. Beautiful card! Masculine and elegant at the same time.

  2. This card is beautiful. I hope it brings comfort.
    I have to laugh at this missonary family hauling SU! supplies where ever they are called.

  3. What a great God friends just left for Guatamala as missionaries for 2 yrs...she lugged her stamps too!!!!

    I really like the card, the colors are perfect and I really like how you used the tree stamps. I have such a hard time with mascline type cards and you did a great job!

  4. Awesome story, LeAnne! I'm sure she will appreciate your beautiful card, especially since she is aware of the special beauty of a hand-stamped card!

    LOL Word Verification: latersho

    "Do you want to see the early movie or the latersho?"

  5. Don't you just love having God moments?? So great! And a very nice card too!

  6. LeAnne this is so awesome! This is a great man card!

  7. Your story is wonderful! What are the chances? I love the stamp tub lugging! I really love this card too. The colors and image are beautiful and elegant! That is a great sketch-I am going to check it out!

  8. I love how you used two stamps from that set. In a very clever way, I might add. Very nice.

  9. Oh...that paper looks so great with this card/stamp!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!