

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Quickie Card

Just a quickie "clean & simple" card and quickie post today--no special sketch, no color challenge, just something out of my own little brain.  I have been wanting to use my neglected Best Wishes and More along with some brighter colors.  What better color to use than Tangerine Tango--it is waaaay up there on the brightness scale!


I hope this perks up the person for whom it is intended!!!

  • Stamps:  Best Wishes & More, Pocket Silhouettes
  • Paper:  WW, Tangerine Tango, Delicate Dots
  • Ink:  Tangerine Tango, Certainly Celery, Garden Green
  • Acc:  Word Window Punch, SAB Grosgrain Ribbon, Dimensionals, Paper Piercer



  1. Cute, cute, cute! I {heart} Tangerine Tango!

  2. Oh LeAnne, I love the this card! I think I will CASE it for my stamp camp next weekend! I'll be sure to let everyone know where I CASEd it from too! Gorgeous! ~chris

  3. Too cute, LeAnne! If the person for whom it's intended is not cheered up by this, they're un-cheerable, LOL! Love it!

  4. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!! I love, love, love the card you sent and it's on my blog today with a link to you (and some info regarding my illness that I was unwilling to print before) thank you SO much. The docs said I'll be down for another week or two but not dead. That's an improvement.

  5. LeAnne this is so pretty! Great cheerful color combo - it should cheer anyone up!!

  6. This is so fresh and fun! I love the color combo!

  7. this is just so beautiful perfection :)

  8. It may be a quick card LeAnne, but it sure is a lovely one! What a fun color combination! :D

  9. "Bright and Cheerful"
    Beautiful Card!!

  10. What a simple and happy card. Great use of TT. This is one of those that a person could mass produce so they could have a little stash of RAK sitting around...

  11. A quickie card???? This is adorable!! I love it!

    I've been out of the stamping loop all week....too busy to touch my stamps :( Hopefully this week will be different!

  12. this is darling...I got this set yesterday at the Regionals in London...I am going to stamp RIGHT NOW!


  13. Oh I love it! Nice,bright and cheerful!!!

  14. I love that color! Orange is so lively! Adorable card!

  15. Stunning card LeAnne - I love it.

    The colours are so bright and fresh and I love your layout - just gorgeous!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!