

Friday, October 17, 2008

A New Blog Friend

Being part of the Color Throwdown Challenge allows me to meet all kinds of stampers from all over the world!  I even got an email recently from a crafter in Russia!   Lately I have noticed Barb from Paper Pursuits has had some really nice cards.  Check out this one she did for the last Color Challenge here.  I think this is so pretty!  I guess I just like her style and she is a very friendly person as well!   So go check out her blog and see what you think....leave her a comment too!   Actually, I love to see what EVERYBODY comes up with!  I try to comment on each & every one---if I have missed anybody, my apologies, because I do try to check them often!  Each & every one is unique and individual, just like the stampers themselves! 

1 comment:

  1. I happened across your site. It's so amazing to me how "connected" blogging can be with others. So glad I found you. I'm all about finding other Believers for encouragement. Blessings to you this glorious day!!


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