

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lucky 13 Color Throwdown Challenge

CTD13 banner 

Wow, 13 challenges so far, and this week I get to be the lucky one to pick out the colors!  I have picked Baja Breeze, So Saffron and More Mustard.  I think I could use Baja Breeze on just about every card I make.  I have loved all the blue In Colors and this one is no exception!  I hope you will take some time to create something with these colors and post it in the comment screen, linking it to your blog.  Or if you want to post on SCS, be sure to use the key word  CTD13.  If you don't have these exact colors, don't worry, just use something close!     

CTD13 swatch

Today's card is 6x3" and uses So Saffron for the base and Baja Breeze and More Mustard for the scalloped squares.  The base is also stamped in So Saffron with the leaf image from Best Wishes & More.  DP from Autumn Vine and Manchester form backgrounds for my sticker letters from Basic Grey.  I added some accent ribbons, stamped "happy" in Craft More Mustard and embossed it with clear EP and popped everything up on dimensionals. 


This is a little out of my comfort range--I don't usually mix letter cases on my cards like this, but it looks kind of fun and it will be a good birthday card for one of the guys on my church birthday list!  You can seeCTD13 Happy closeup a closeup of the embossing here:

  • Stamps:  Happy Everything, Best Wishes & More
  • Paper:  So Saffron, More Mustard, Baja Breeze, Autumn Vine & Manchester DP
  • Ink:  Craft More Mustard, So Saffron
  • Acc:  Clear EP, Square Scallop Punch, Asst SU ribbons, dimensionals, Basic Grey sticker letters

Make sure you check out the samples of the other Throwdown artists:


  1. Love this card LeAnne- I hope I can sneek some time to play this round of colors!
    Thanks for sharing-

  2. Oh LeAnne...I love this card. It's so fall.

  3. LeAnne, I love this card!!! I think this is perfectly within your comfort zone, otherwise it wouldn't be so gorgeous!

  4. LOVE this card, LeAnne! What a great color combo this week!

  5. I LOVE this!! What a great combination of colors. Love the letters and squares - everything about it!

  6. I love this card. I almost missed this post, it was tucking in with so much great stuff. I thought the 'happy' stamp with the sticker letters looked so modern.

  7. I did it, I had some fun yesterday doing your color challenge (color challenges ar my FAVORITE!).
    You can see what I came up with on my blog - visit it at


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!