

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Love Fall

Well, the rain & wind are gone, the sun is shining, it's warm and THE PHILLIES WON THE WORLD SERIES!!!!  Yahoo!!!  Okay, now that I have that out of my system, let me share a couple fall-ish things that have been sitting on my desk waiting to be finished!

I made this little box based on one I had seen on Margaret's blog here

Fall box

It is made with the Sissix envelope diecut from SU and embellished with different DPs. I then cut apart the main image from Thankful Thoughts that had been watercolored.  I had a watercoloring class on Tuesday and one of the things I stressed was to use Shimmery white paper or Watercolor paper for watercoloring.  If you use any other, you run the risk of bleeding and getting warped paper.  You can see this on my project, as I used Confetti White paper!!!  (A bleeding sunflower, yuck!)

Fall box 1

Fall box 2

Fall box 3

Fall box 4

Anyway, this has a cute little apple candle in a tin inside; this will be my door prize for my stamping event tonight!
Apple tin

I was visiting some blogs earlier this week in search of some sketches and I came across Mercy's blog here.  I hadn't visited her blog for a while, and I was berating myself because she has such beautiful things!  So I shamelessly cased THIS card!  I already had a pumpkin image stamped, again, from my watercolor class, so I made it into a fall card:

Fall card cased from Mercy

I didn't do all the detailed stitching as I am in a hurry today (when am I NOT?), but I did add some faux stitching, as well as an added panel inside so I don't have to try to write on Chocolate Chip cardstock!:

Fall card inside

Thanks for visiting today!  I am not giving recipes, but if anyone needs info, just email me!  Have a glorious day!



  1. I love that box and the gorgeous coloring on that card. Awesome!

  2. Very cute LeAnne! I love the sizzix box and all your images and the card....wonderful :)

  3. I love your little box and the fun decorations on each panel! and the card is super!


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