

Friday, August 22, 2008

Extra Special People

You know how some people come into your life who just go a little further to help you out, extend a kindness or just make you smile?  I have two I want to thank today!!

First a huge THANK YOU to Maria at Kitchen Sink Stamps!!  I lost a teeny tiny little piece from my 3-Step Daisy Stamp set and she replaced it at no cost!  How many businesses would do that nowadays?  I highly recommend that you check out their stamps...there is nothing like them around that I have ever seen!  And again, thanks Maria!!

Second, a RAK from Shawn, who always knows how to make me laugh and cheer me up!  Isn't this a sweet card?  I love the colors she used and the way she has put the elements together on this card!!!  She is a very creative stamper and I love seeing her create!  Thanks Shawn!

Happiness from Shawn

Finally, my computer & I are going on vacation next week; we are going away and the computer is going to the computer hospital as it has been acting a little sick lately, so some PM is necessary before it goes kaput on me altogether!  Have a great week and hopefully when I come back in September, I'll be posting on a more regular basis!



  1. Hi Leanne, saw the note you left on my blog & I'm emailing you! BTW I love that monkey stamp. He's on my SU! wish list. I didn't know anyone felt differently.

  2. Where are you going? You can't be going anywhere when I'm not.

    This isn't fair. nope.

  3. LeAnne, I will miss you when go away. I love looking at your blog and your gorgeous work. Have a wonderful time away and relax and enjoy whatever you plan to do!

    Hugss, Jean


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