

Friday, March 28, 2008

Skipping Right to Summer

I am skipping right over spring to summer! Sharon Johnson's challenge today was Paper Piecing. My supply of outline stamps is slim, but I found this really cute beachy set from Lizzie Anne called Shore Thoughts. I LOVE this set!! I also found some adorable scrapbook paper at the Dollar Store called Miss Elizabeth's Bryce & Madeline Beach. The water & sand are all one piece, all I had to do was cut it to fit my card! I pieced the large shell and starfish, popped them up on dimensionals and added some of the new SU glitter! Gorgeous stuff! Click on the photo to get a really good look at how cute this is IRL! I added the sentiment and I am done! Easy peasy!

Stamps: Shore Thoughts by Lizzie Anne Designs
Paper: So Saffron, Miss Elizabeth's DP
Ink: Night of Navy
Acc: Glitter, Dimensionals


  1. What a fabulous card - just love those seashore images!!!! The first thing I thought when I saw this is WOW!, would these items make a gorgeous scrapbook page!!! Can't you just see children's photos worked in there, too!!! Wonderful job -- just love it!!! Thanks so much for playing!!!

  2. Very cute card! When I saw it I actually sighed. I thought.. Take me there and give me a pinia colada while you're at it!! Fun take on the challenge!

  3. This is wonderful! The paper is beautiful on the shells

  4. So pretty, great job with the challenge!

  5. Great job with the challenge! It's great to see this technique used on something other than clothing. Very creative!

  6. Love how you created your shoreline with the DP - cute stamps over the sand - and great paper piecing! A fun summer card LeAnne!


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