

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Beautiful Inspiration Challenge

Wow, the Inspiration Challege at SCS was a beautiful silver & beach stone charm bracelet in the most gorgeous shades of blue--I coveted it until I saw the price!! Yikes!
I had purchased an older SU stamp set at a yard sale. I don't even know the name of it--a set of three bold seashells and a lobster. I hadn't even inked it yet! But I thought they would be a pretty match for this challenge. The shells are inked in Soft Sky on Very Vanilla and mounted on Brushed Silver. The Soft Sky card has another piece of Miss Elizabeth's Outre DP from the Dollar Store mounted on top; the shells are mounted on top of this. The silver brads, on which I thought kind of looked like a sand dollar design, are added for some extra silver interest. A very easy card; I left off the sentiment so I can add one later when I need a specific card. I think this color is hard to photograph--I hope you can see how pretty it is! Thanks for looking!
Stamps: SU Seashell Set
Paper: Soft Sky, DP from Dollar Store, Very Vanilla, Brushed Silver
Ink: Soft Sky
Acc: Hodgepodge Hardware Stylized Silver Brads, 1/8" punch


  1. Beautiful inspired card ... I really love the texture on those silver brads.

  2. This is very pretty!! Very calming and soothing!

  3. very pretty card! i love the piced of hph, they look perfect with these images!!

  4. Beautiful card LeAnne! love the colors and those great shell stamps!

  5. Gorgeous! Love your papers and that stamp set is awesome...what a find!


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