

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chicken up on You!

Just a quick post today....I needed a little girl's get well card and decided to do the color challenge at SCS. Not colors I would choose, but it was fun, and that's why they call it a challenge. The stamps are from My Favorite Things, the set is called Punny Farm, and it is too cute! The image was just colored in with markers; the background is a new jumbo wheel from SU called Spunky Spots! I love it! I didn't have any yellow ribbon, so I used YoYo Yellow ink and a dauber to color it. Thanks for looking and enjoy your day! Stamps: Punny Farm, Spunky Spots
Paper: WW, Basic Gray, Going Gray, YoYo Yellow

Ink: Black, YoYo Yellow

Acc: Ribbon, Markers


  1. For colors you would not normally choose, you did a fantastic job. I think its great


  2. This is wonderful! This card looks so perfect with these colours, you definitely met the challenge here!


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