

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Tiny Valentine Friends

Happy Thursday, peeps! No challenge today, just a cute little Valentine card whose idea had been incubating in my head for a while, LOL!  Here we go:

I have seen amazing cards in blogland using these Waffleflower stencils and dies, and my friend Michele inspired me to get a set to try for myself! So far, I've only used Christmas images, but when I was looking through my Valentine stamps, I came across this little Papertrey set and thought the images would work well with with them.  I used some pastel colors to sponge in the stamps, then stamped the images in Versafine black ink and colored them with markers and ink, then added the postage images on top.  I am still getting the hang of sponging, but all in all, I thought it turned out pretty cute!

I put the whole shebang on a piece of Pink Pirouette, then on a Basic White card and added a Valentine sentiment on the inside!  This will be going out in the mail real soon!

I haven't had any photos of Cassidy lately; she's been a busy lady, playing on two basketball teams, one for school and one for rec.  She is honing her skills and learning how to be a team player, but I will admit, she doesn't like to lose and you can tell it by her face, LOL!  But she is only in 8th grade, so I look forward to how she'll improve over the next few years!  She chose her high school classes this week, so that's a big scary step, but I'm praying that her first year in high school will go well!

Thanks for popping in today--enjoy it and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Postage Collage (Waffleflower), Tiny Treats Valentine (Papertrey)
Card stock & Papers     Basic White, Pink Pirouette (ret)
 Ink Versafine Black, Coastal Cabana, Balmy Blue, Daffodil Delight, Lemon Lime Twist, Blushing Bride (ret), Flirty Flamingo, Smoky Slate, Sahara Sand (ret0
Accessories Blending Brushes
Tools     Cut & Emboss Machine, Postage Collage Die (Waffleflower), Postage Coloring Stencil


  1. This is just the cutest little valentine I've seen in a long time! All of those images are just too cute and I love the pastel colors. Cassidy will be going to high school already??! Blink your eyes and children are grown up!

  2. This is super cute, LeAnne! Love the die and all those adorable images you used! Pretty colors, too! Miss Cassidy is in 8th grade?!! She is growing up too quick! TFS and enjoy this wonderful sunshine! :)

  3. LeAnne! This is just darling! I just knew you'd find lots of little images in your stash to work with - these are perfectly sized and your sponging is terrific!
    You made ME hoppy this morning! Can't wait to see your next collection!

  4. Love that card LeAnne! I got that same Waffle Flower die/set but haven’t attempted it. Now you’ve inspired me!

  5. Wow, Cassidy going into 9th grade. It seems like yesterday she was little on your blog when I started following you! Your card is great and you did a mighty fine job of sponging.

  6. I love this! Adorable! I just got
    My set like this from Waffle Flower a couple of days ago!

  7. What a wonderful card you made! So much detail on one card! Oh my! Cassidy will be going to high school this fall! How can that be?! BTW, we have a son who still does not like to lose...he's in his 30's!

  8. You found the perfect little images to add to this one, LeAnne! What a CUTE card. Cassidy... high school next year... it CAN'T BE!!!

  9. the sweetest card LeAnne ~ 9th grade... I get it ... our grandkids are going up SO fast too!!!

  10. What a perfect way to show off these tiny images, LeAnne! Cute as can be!


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