

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

AHSC561 A Day Without Chocolate

Happy Tuesday, everyone!  Are you warming up yet?  It definitely has been chilly here in SE PA!  I have a fun card today which uses an awesome sketch from Atlantic Hearts: 

I needed a thank you card for some goodies that were given to me recently, and since the goodies involved CHOCOLATE, I dug out the retired Nothing's Better Than set, some Pecan Pie ink and DSPs and went to work:

I stamped my candies in Early Espresso and Pecan Pie inks and diecut them out, along with the chocolate sentiment in Early Espresso cardstock.  I added a Lost Lagoon scalloped mat on which to scatter my candies:

I added a couple more scallops and the sentiment on the inside, tucking the last little piece of chocolate down in the corner!

Yum! Now I want a piece of something, LOL!  Thanks for popping in today! Enjoy it and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Nothing's Better Than (ret)
Card stock & Papers     Basic White, Pecan Pie, Lost Lagoon, Early Espresso, Pecan Pie DSP
 Ink Early Espresso, Pecan Pie, Lost Lagoon
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Cut & Emboss Machine, Stylish Shapes Dies, Layering Circles Dies (ret), Love You More Than Dies (ret)


  1. Adorable card, LeAnne! Love all the little chocolates scattered about on your card and the different Pecan Pie DSP on the front! Hope you enjoy the winter warm up that is coming this week along with more rain. Guess that's better than snow?!

  2. LeAnne, I like this color combo. It's nice to see this wonderful stamp set put to use. I have an unopened box of Russell Stover I received for Christmas. Come on down and I'll share...except for the caramels!

  3. I can't imagine a day without chocolate either, so this is a super cute and fun card. Those candies scattered about the front of the card are appetizingly tempting. Great take on that fun sketch.

  4. I have many days without chocolate, LeAnne, but I sure can appreciate this fun sentiment - outside, and IN!
    LOve those bon bons!

  5. This stamp set is a keeper! Such a fun one and you did a fabulous job making those chocolates come to life! Yes, please! I'll take one!

  6. I love the sentiments on this one, so fun! Cute cute card, LeAnne. A single little Dove dark chocolate a day never hurt anyone!

  7. yummy card LeAnne ~ gotta love chocolate!! ((hugs))

  8. Fun card! I don't think I can go a day without chocolate!

  9. Love this take on the sketch - a wonderful celebration of all things chocolate!

  10. Yummy chocolates! It is very difficult to make brown pretty outside of autumn themes and this card is fabulous! You really have used patterns and blue to make it work perfectly, LeAnne. Thank you so much for joining the challenge at AHSC.

  11. Absolutely adore this card, so funny and adorable! Thanks for playing along with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge (AHSC).

    Brandi R.
    DT member AHSC


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