

Monday, November 20, 2023

FarmQuest Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Monday, peeps!  A busy week ahead, right?  It's hoppin' here in the Pugliese household, and we've already had our T-giving celebration!  At least on my side of the family....John's side will be having theirs on Thursday, so I am looking forward to that!

To thank my niece and her hubby for hosting our family Thanksgiving, I wanted to send them a Thanksgiving-themed thank you card, and the FarmQuest challenge this month is turkeys! SU had a nice turkey set a couple of years ago so I put it to work on my card:

I had this deckle-edged piece of patterned paper in my stash, unused from another project, so I put it to use here with Mr Turkey!  He is stamped in Copper Clay, and I layered him with another piece of burlap-print paper and a panel of Copper Clay cardstock embossed with the Quilt Top embossing folder.  The sentiment from the set was diecut and added to the front as well:

A simple Happy Thanksgiving sentiment was stamped on the inside of the Honey Nut cardstock from Papertrey.  

And speaking of turkeys, my niece's husband, besides being a chef, is an avid hunter.  In their little spare office room, this is sitting on a rustic armoire:

Yep.....a REAL stuffed turkey!  Quite impressive it was, too!  Thanks for visiting today---enjoy it and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Day of Thanks (ret)
Card stock & Papers     Very Vanilla, Copper Clay,  Honey Nut (Papertrey), Pleasant DSP (Authentique), Frontier DSP (Authentique)
 Ink Copper Clay
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Cut & Emboss Machine, Stylish Shapes Dies, Deckle Edge Rectangle Dies, Quilt Top Embossing Folder (ret), Banner Dies (Pink & Main)


  1. Beautiful card, LeAnne! I love your choice of colors & papers and that turkey & sentiment finish this card beautifully! This is a lovely way to say Thank You & Happy Thanksgiving! Can't say that I have ever seen a stuffed turkey but really is impressive! TFS and have a wonderful week ahead! :)

  2. Such a lovely thank you, LeAnne - one that will surely be appreciated. Love that bit of burlap! Looks so real I can hardly believe it is paper printed!
    Imagine the 'feather duster' one might need to keep that dude clean?

  3. Wow! Your card is just full of farmhouse and harvest touches for this Thanksgiving card! It's gobbling good! Delightfully brilliant in your composition! Thanks for sharing at FQCB! --Becca

  4. Lovely layers on your Thanksgiving card, LeAnne! Your niece is sure to feel the love that went into it. For a stuffed fella, he looks pretty puffed up doesn't he, poor guy!


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