

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

AHSC537 Patchwork Birthday

Happy Tuesday, peeps! The sketch from Atlantic Hearts this week is similar to one I have played with before, and I love how it allows you to play with lots of little pieces of DSP!  Here's the sketch:

I needed two birthday cards, so while I was cutting my little leftover pieces of the beautiful Inked Botanicals paper, I just cut enough to make two!  So here we go:

Each piece is 1 1/4" wide so it's great to use up those scraps!  I chose some coordinating patterns and laid them out before giving them a final snip!  The sentiment is from Charming Sentiments, and I added some Lost Lagoon and a couple Iridescent Pastel Gems for some sparkle:

This sketch is definitely a keeper!  

Last night our area had a WHOPPER of a storm....we lost our power for about three hours and there are trees down on lots of roads and still some people in the dark!  Cassidy took the dogs and went down to the basement and got in the tub with the dogs:

I had to chuckle because Eden HATES getting in the tub but she didn't seem to mind with Cassidy!  They didn't stay there too long because it skirted around them fairly quickly!  Our friends up the road from them didn't fare so well....they had a tree come down right across the road, and when I called to see how they were (still no power), they said people kept running into the tree as they would come down the road because there were no lights and they didn't see it!  Wowza! I know it's hard to see but the one tree is totally blocking the road and it is a very busy road!

Praying that everyone's power gets back on least it cleared the nasty humidity away!  Off to hang out towels on my clothesline!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Charming Sentiments    
Card stock & Papers     Very Vanilla, Lost Lagoon, Inked Botanicals DSP
 Ink Lost Lagoon
Accessories Lost Lagoon Bordered Ribbon, Iridescent Pastel Gems, Dimensionals
Tools     Cut & Emboss Machine, Charming Sentiments Dies


  1. This sketch is great for using ALL those scraps and you've come up with a terrific card, LeAnne. Living in the same town, that was one heck storm. We're still without power but at least it's a beautiful day...there's always something to be thankful for!

  2. Glad you're OK. We had no wind damage but the power went out here at 7:15 last night and didn't come back on until after 10:30 this morning. It was a long night! I love this sketch design and am going to have to make some cards with that design! It's beautiful!

  3. Great card! These sketches often stump me due to the sizes of the scraps. You did this perfectly!! What's the magic trick for measuring? That storm was nasty last night! It lasted about 2.5 hours in Quarryville. Blew the rockers off the front porch and even knocked over several large planters!! The lights flickered several times, but we didn't lose power. So grateful it wasn't worse!

  4. You have the prettiest DSPs around, LeAnne - what a great way to use up some of those little pieces NONE OF US can bare to throw away!
    Poor Cassidy - though none of them seem too upset about it! I feel so sad for your beautiful trees - but am also wondering how one could miss that tree across the road unless it was just raining too hard?
    Hope all is well now - you seem to have power back!

  5. What a great mix of papers and a fantastic way to use some of them! Good for Cassidy to take cover! I'm glad it passed quickly and all of you are safe. We had a lot of lightening here and some wind, but kept our power and no damage.

  6. You picked a wonderful way to use up some of those bits and pieces, these are lovely! The pups do look pretty content with Cassidy! Glad you're all safe and sound!

  7. Oh I definitely want to have a go at this sketch LeAnne and you're right, it is a keeper! Sorry to hear about your storm. Being without power is no joke and it's awful when trees come down as well as being dangerous. Loved the photo of Cassidy in the tub with the pups. They all look very anxious but I'm sure they've forgotten all about it by now! God bless, Vicky x

  8. Like a patchwork quilt….so pretty! That was some storm! Scary!

  9. Love your card and all those pretty pieces of DSP! LeAnne, last evening we headed to Walmart in Shrewsbury only to find many roads closed on the trip there. OMGosh, the things we saw! If a tornado did not go thru I will be surprised! Needless to say, Walmart was closed as everything in Shrewsbury. Reminded me of Joplin all over again. Glad Miss Cassidy took care of keeping the dogs safe. That storm was really bad but thankfully here in Red Lion we were all good!

  10. This is perfect LeAnne - those papers are showcased beautifully in this layout!

  11. Marvelous paper and color choices. LeAnne! I am glad you are safe - so much dangerous weather this summer. Thank you for your wonderful card and joining us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge.

  12. Very pretty card! I love the raised sentiment with ribbon underneath and the gorgeous papers. Thanks for sharing your talent with us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge this week.
    :) Marie


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