

Friday, June 16, 2023

GDP398 Ho Ho Ho

Hi peeps, happy Friday!  As I was organizing some of my DSP recently, I came across some cute Christmas paper from a while back which matched some little Santas I had floating around my desk from another clean out/organizationn project!  So I decided to pair them up using the sketch from Global Design Project:

So here we go:

I just love this little Santa image...he's the cutest ever! I fussy-cut him out and layered him on some retired Let It Snow DSP, added a Real Red mat:

and a simple sentiment from Oh What Fun!:

I combined some sentiments from the same set for my inside sentiment:

Such a fun card to make!  

We had a wee bit of excitement yesterday morning at breakfast.  Our patio door looks out across the farm field and we often see deer and other critters running across it.  Yesterday, I saw a deer run out of the woods, followed by what I thought was a fawn; it was a little darker than normal, so John got the binoculars and saw that it was a COYOTE!  Yikes!  We knew they were in the area, but that was the first time we'd ever seen one on our property!  It took off and chased the deer, which zigzagged across the field and back into the woods. I hope it escaped!  It happened so fast, I didn't have time to get a picture, but it probably would have been too far away anyway. But it was a bit scary! Thankfully, we have no chickens or small pets around!  Life in the country is never dull!

Thanks for popping in today! Enjoy it and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Oh What Fun (ret)
Card stock & Papers     Basic White, Real Red,  Let it Snow DSP, Home for Christmas DSP (both retired)
 Ink Real Red
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Cut & Emboss Machine, Stylish Shapes Dies


  1. This is a super fun Christmas card, LeAnne! I love the colors and of course, that sweet Santa image! I don't think I have made one single Christmas card yet this year! I sure hope the deer got away from that coyote! We have to watch out for them here as last summer they were spotted in our area at night. I make sure I go out with Bailee to keep an eye on her. That would definitely create a stir especially at breakfast time!

  2. I can see why you might want this jolly fellow on your desk for a while, LeAnne! Who wouldn't smile every time our eyes met his? I hope you have dozens more of them but he sure is perfect for your card and this Sketch!
    I witnessed such a thing at our last home - but it was one deer and a pack of three coyotes! It shocked me so badly to see them so close to us!

  3. Love this Santa, LeAnne! He reminds me of the Santa's of my childhood. Great job of fussy cutting!

  4. I love this cute vintage Santa too - and so perfect for this sketch!


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