

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

RRCB174 Pastel Angels

Hello, peeps!  It's the first Retro Rubber challenge of 2022, where we give our older stamps some love, and Jane has some really cute prompts for us!  Here's our first one...dig it!

I feel like a ninny because these would be perfect colors for a Valentine's card, but I pulled out a Christmas stamp from 2011 by Stampendous; I had seen my creative friend Lisa use this and I just had to have it for myself!  And here is my pastel card:

Aren't those little angels adorable?  I stamped them on Shimmery White paper with Stazon ink and watercolored them with reinkers of Pool Party, Pear Pizzazz, So Saffron, Balmy Blue and Blushing Bride:

I added some pastel snowflakes and mounted it on some retired snowy DSP from SU; the sentiment is from Itty Bitty Christmas (2019).  I am also entering this at the Krafty Chicks Christmas challenge #594 for this week!  

SO....what will you stamp with these pretty pastel colors?  Just make sure you use a stamp that's at least one year old, tell us the date of the stamp in your post and then share it with us at Retro Rubber!  Can't wait to see what you create!  Thanks for popping in today!

I made sure my bird feeders were full this past weekend, as it was very cold!  Plus John gave me a bird bath heater for Christmas and I was hoping to see some birds finally taking advantage of it!  Success!! This male bluebird came back several times:

And this Northern mockingbird gave me a look as if to say "Mind your own business!"  I apologize for the fuzzy pictures, I was taking these from inside, through a screen!  But you can still see them pretty clearly!

Enjoy your day and be blessed!

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."  Hebrews 12:2-3

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Itty Bitty Christmas (2019, ret), Little Angels (2011, Stampendous), Holiday Skates (2019, Avery Elle)
Card stock & Papers     Basic White, Shimmery White, All is Calm DSP (ret)
 Ink Stazon Black, Pool Party, Pear Pizzazz, So Saffron, Blushing Bride, Balmy Blue, Calypso Coral
Accessories Mini Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Circle Dies (Lil'Inker), Aquapainter


  1. Such a sweet card, LeAnne! You make the best cards with all the challenges that are out there! I love the pastel colors on this one and what a cute image! Great job, as always! Thanks for sharing your adorable bird bath shots! Love the water heater and i'm sure your feathered friends are thanking you, too! Stay warm again today.....those winds are just crazy!

  2. Just adore your little angels, LeAnne - so sweet holding hands, aren't they?
    God bless John for that thoughtful gift - to you, and those feathered friends of yours!

  3. LeeAnne, these are the cutest, most adorable little Angels, beautifully colored and surrounded by that awesome DSP,you couldn't have picked a more perfect one.
    And thank you for sharing the pictures of your feathered friends, i can't wait to to see ours come back to the bird baths, right now is way too cold for them even with a heater.
    Stay healthy and safe.

  4. This sweet image caught my eye...such a cute card! Pretty bird pics too!

  5. Adorable angels and the perfect background! Looks like your birds have the life with a water warmer! That's an ingenious invention so they can have water in the winter!

  6. I didn't use this adoarble pair last year! I have to remember them for this year's cards. Love the colors you chose, Leanne this is sweet!

  7. oh my, the sweetest card LeAnne ~ and the birdbath is amazing!!! we are bird watchers as well ~ thank you for sharing :-) xo

  8. they are so sweet, they have a vintage look to them

  9. How cute, I love the pastel colors of the challenge, and that is one of my most favorite snowflake papers behind the image. Thanks for sharing with us at Krafty Chicks this week!

  10. One of my favorite DSPs ever! And sweet sweet image! Adorable!


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