

Friday, August 20, 2021

AYSI257 Gather Together

Hi everyone!  Yay, it's Friday!  And that means a new As You See It challenge, and this week it's a recipe!  I love these, and I really loved this one!  A great way to introduce your fall stamping:

 Surprisingly, this came together quickly!  The hardest part was diecutting the stitched mat!  Here we go:

I got these wheat dies a couple years ago and haven't used them much, so this was a perfect time!  I cut them from Crumb Cake and backed them with a Very Vanilla stitched mat die from The Greetery.  I had some leftover gingham DSP in Soft Suede, and I liked the monochromatic look with the Crumb Cake, so it all went together nicely.  

I used a sentiment from Pretty Pumpkins, stamping it in Soft Suede, then diecutting it with a Stitched Rectangle die and running it through the Tasteful Textile EF for a little additional dimension.  I finished it off with some thick Baker's Twine:

A Thanksgiving sentiment was stamped on the inside, and it was done!  Be sure to check out what the DT always amazes me that despite the same recipe, we all create things that are vastly different and creative!  We hope you'll play along too...check them all out at As You See It!

Cassidy loves Legos, especially the really detailed ones with itty bitty teeny weeny pieces!  She got the Paris skyline one for her birthday and started it yesterday:

She got quite a bit done....this is just the very beginning!  I'll be sure to show you a picture of the finished project when it's done!  And you can see that the boot isn't hindering a thing, LOL!  Thanks for popping in today!  Enjoy it and be blessed!

"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands."  Psalm 138-8

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Pretty Pumpkins
Card stock & Papers     Very Vanilla, Crumb Cake, Soft Suede Gingham (ret)
 Ink Soft Suede
Accessories Dimensionals, Thick Baker's Twine (ret)
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Rectangles Die, Tasteful Textiles EF, Wheat Dies (Impression Obsession), Stitched Mat Die (The Greetery)


  1. This is a gorgeous fall card! I love each and every detail and those wheat stems are fantastic! So sorry about Cassidy's broken ankle but it looks like she enjoyed her birthday in spite of the injury! I love watching children play with things that spark their creativity like these Legos! Looks like she's having a blast putting it all together :)

  2. Beautiful card, LeAnne! You had me at gingham and then the stitching and awesome wheat dies! Love this design! So glad Miss Cassidy's boot isn't hindering her from doing Lego's! Lego's are so much fun...I remember doing them when Ryan was little and loved it! Does she watch the Lego building show on the Fox Channel? Enjoy your day!

  3. Oh, to be able to lay on the floor like that again...but not with a broken ankle! Can't wait to see her finished project. As far as yours goes, you had me at monochromatic! and if that wasn't enough, gingham and the stitched mat! LOVE it!

  4. You know you had me at that gingham! But the wheat is so pretty, too, LeAnne!
    I do love a kid who loves Legos!

  5. I love this card so much LeAnne! The monochromatic look is fabulous and the detail of the mat and the wheat sets off the gingham beautifully. I'm glad the boot isn't hindering Cassidy's Lwgo progress - I love Lego too!

  6. A beautiful fall card - sweet and simple.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!