

Monday, July 19, 2021

ICC095 Sympathy

Happy Monday, peeps! Hope you had a good weekend!  Thankfully it cooled down a bit...we didn't even turn on the A/C yesterday!  Sadly, I needed a sympathy card this week.  My cousin Nancy, who lives in Venice, FL, lost her husband on Friday.  He was a pretty special guy; they started Challenger Baseball in Venice so that physically-challenged children could play ball.  I only met him a couple of times and never really had a chance to talk to him about it, but he was well-loved by many members of the community.  You can see a little news clip here, and if you're on Facebook, can look up Richard E Carroll to see lots of pictures (that will cause you to tear up, guaranteed), including the amazing Christmas village they set up each year that thousands of people would drive through to see!  So, all that to say, I created a baseball-themed sympathy card for his family:

The baseball gear is all from a retired SU set called Have a Ball, and the sentiment is from a Hero Arts sentiment assortment; papers are from my stash.

I used the great sketch from Inspire.Create as well:
Thanks for visiting today!

A little beachy fun:

LOL, Wayne looks like a real sailor!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!

"Who is wise?  He will realize these things.  Who is discerning?  He will understand them.  The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them."  Hosea 14:9

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Have a Ball (ret), Sentiments (Hero Arts CL342)
Card stock & Papers     Basic White, Frontier DSP (Authentique), Stars & Stripes (unknown)
 Ink Real Red, Crumb Cake, Cinnamon Cider
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Shapes Dies (ret)


  1. I'm sorry that your cousin lost such a wonderful man. Perry and I always loved Venice and went to eat there quite often. Who knows, we could have even bumped into Nancy and Rich. I know the family will be delighted with your special card. Cassidy and Wayne know how to have a good time! Have a blessed day and thanks for being a blessing.

  2. Well done LeAnne. I am sorry that your cousin lost her husband.
    So cute of Cassidy and Wayne…Looks like fun times

  3. He sounds like a wonderful man, so sorry for your family's loss. This card will most definitely touch their hearts.

  4. Oh I am so sorry for your loss. I love that special card you created with the flags, the fun stripes and the base ball gear. I never make cards like this for sympathy but might have to try.

  5. So sorry you needed this card....but it is perfect!

  6. An unusual sympathy card but so fitting for such a legend. Great use of those papers too!


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