

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

TMS600 Plane Awesome

Happy Wednesday, peeps!  I have a "plane" and simple card today---a masculine one using the sketch from Tuesday Morning Sketches:

I needed a masculine birthday card and this sketch fit the bill! I inked up the plane image from a Unity stamp set called For The Guys in Misty Moonlight and mounted it on a panel of blue printed paper with a patriotic banner: 

The sentiment is part of the same set, stamped in Night of Navy.  And who remembers BRADS?! I still have a whole bunch of them, and I managed to find a couple white ones and a navy one, so colored one of the white ones with a Cherry Cobbler Blend and it worked just fine!  Simple, easy and quick!  Thanks for popping in today!

Before Easter, John, Wayne and some of the other men in our church got together to do some maintenance work; for one, the smoke detector on the ceiling needed a new battery.  Our sanctuary is on the second floor and the ceilings are probably 25' high.  They first had to remove one of the center pews and sit it up on some plywood; they are really big pews and very heavy:

John rented a special ladder so he could climb to the ceiling; just looking at this makes my stomach turn:

But they got it done!  Wayne was the photographer...the other guys offered words of encouragement, I guess!  LOL!  Glad my gifts only require working on the ground at kitchen level!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!

 "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.  Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, 
so that you may know how to answer everyone." Colossians 4:5-6

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps For the Guys (Unity)
Card stock & Papers     Whisper White, Misty Moonlight, Misc DSP (from my stash, a gift)
 Ink Misty Moonlight, Night of Navy
Accessories Brads (ret)
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Shapes Dies, 1/16" Hole Punch, Cherry Cobbler Blend


  1. What a fun take on the sketch and a great resulting masculine birthday card! I love the red, white, and blue colors! As for your husband, he's fearless to climb up that high ladder! Glad they got the job done with no mishaps but my tummy gets weak just seeing someone up that high! I like my feet on the ground too :)

  2. Just love the simplicity of your fabulous design, LeAnne!
    However, I have such a fear of ladders I could hardly look at that photo!

  3. Awesome masculine card. Can't go wrong with red, white, and blue. That ladder is quite scary. My husband is uneasy with a stepladder, he'd never be able to do that one. Good job all!

  4. Such a cool card! Love that sentiment! Okay, the whole ladder thing...yikes! Your church looks beautiful though.

  5. A gorgeous card in those patriotic colours LeAnne and yes, I do remember brads and still have a whole load of them! Sometimes I snip the bendy bits off and use them as enamel dots. It's so interesting to see inside your church - it all looks very bright and modern and WARM! Our old churches are always so cold no matter how they try to warm them up with heaters. They are beautiful though and we just make sure we wrap up warm. I'm with you on heights - terra firma for me! Vicky x

  6. Beautiful church....looks large....Happy this turned out with no physical issues....makes my stomach turn also...Sorry your church, and hubby on that ladder jumped in front of your card. Ditto to others...nice simple masculine card.

  7. What a great card! Once upon a time our son wanted to be a pilot, even took flying lessons in a plane similar to this one. I'm glad he changed his mind and stayed on the ground with his vet clinic!! Speaking of staying on the ground... holy smokes... John is BRAVE!!

  8. Terrific take on the sketch! I love the sentiment and color choices. So glad you played along with us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  9. What a fabulous masculine card - I need to go and lie down now at the sight of John on those ladders!!!

  10. I can't look at John on that ladder so I will just admire your lovely card!

  11. This turned out just great LeAnne! It is perfect and (oops I almost said hate) I struggle with masculine cards so all the inspiration is appreciated. Your church is beautiful by they way!! I’m sure you have LOTS of gifts and I’m glad you have gifted us with your participation at Tuesday Morning Sketches this week - thank you!!

  12. Love this CAS masculine card!
    Thanks so much for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.
    xxx Margreet DT

  13. Very nice card! So perfect for patriotic themes, too. Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  14. Wonderful masculine card!
    Climbing that ladder looks like fun! ;)
    Thanks for playing along this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches
    Debbie - TMS DT
    Debbie's Dash of This and That


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