

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

RR144 Harvest of Good Wishes

Happy Tuesday, peeps!  Time for a new Retro Rubber challenge, where we give our older stamps (at least a year!) some love!  This week it's an Anything Goes challenge!

My long-time stamping friend is relocating and getting rid of a lot of her older stamps, and I found this set called Sweet Seasons from 2004!  This little boy pulling a wagon of pumpkins was just too cute to pass's a bit "old school" but I love it anyway:

I stamped him in Memento Black ink on Very Vanilla cardstock and used SU Blends to color him in!

The sentiment is from a My Creative Time set that I have had for years....maybe from 2010?  I added a few stamped and fussy-cut leaves from a past Paper Pumpkin set and mounted everything on a piece of Graphic 45 paper on which I stamped some "swirls", although they're difficult to see, to replicate the wind in the stamped image!

I hope you'll play along with our Retro Rubber "Anything Goes" challenge..just make sure your stamps are at least a year old and you tell us their approximate age!  Can't wait to see where your creative process takes you!  Thanks for popping in today--enjoy it and be blessed!

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Sweet Seasons (ret, 2004), Mixed Holiday Sentiments (My Creative Time, 2010?), Autumn Squares (Impression Obsession, at least 2015)
Card stock & Papers     Very Vanilla, Botanical Tea (Graphic 45)
 Ink Memento Black, Terracotta Tile, Old Olive, Pumpkin Pie, Soft Seafoam
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Rectangle Dies, Blends


  1. Adorable card, LeAnne! Just love your coloring of this! I remember this set! An oldie but a goodie!! Happy Fall, my friend! :)

  2. Nothing wrong with 'old school' in my humble opinion, LeAnne... besides, it found the perfect home with you, and your love of vintage, right?
    Darling card; fabulous movement with those swirls; and beautifully colored!

  3. I love this set, especially this little guy. He will be on my Thanksgiving cards this year. Nothing wrong with using oldies but goodies.

  4. You know I like this Vintage...old school...such a tease when I can’t have it.

  5. I love this retro stamp! Such a cute card. Thanks for sharing!

  6. This sweet set will fit in nicely with your collection of vintage and retro stamps. Once again, great choice of paper to go with it.

  7. A great find, LeAnne! Love how you've colored it and the layout!

  8. He looks like he's skipping along and humming a happy tune! Just like you when you found this little gem, right? Adorable card!

  9. I absolutely love this image and your beautiful card with it! Old school or not, it' one of my favorites forever. I still have mine!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!