

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Paper Players 500 CAS Celebration

Happy Sunday, peeps and happy Paper Players 500th birthday!  Woohoo!  Can you believe, 500 challenges!  That's pretty awesome!  Jaydee is our hostess for this week, and she has a CAS celebration challenge for us!

Remember, this is a CLEAN AND SIMPLE challenge; if you need a refresher as to our terms for clean and simple, check out the blog for the details!  For my card, I did NO stamping, but I did use lots of glimmer paper, a punch and a couple dies!  Here we go:

To me, if you're having a celebration, you need to have SPARKLE!  I punched out three balloons in various shades of glimmer paper, then added a big gold sparkly celebrate at the bottom and "attached" my balloons to it:

Just a quick hint when you're doing intricate diecuts with glimmer paper; I always separate the backing paper from the glimmer paper so it's a little thinner.  That makes it easier to pop it out of the die.  For this particular sentiment, I did add a piece of Adhesive Sheet to the back of the glimmer paper after I had separated it and before running it through the Big Shot, and it still ran through and cut very nicely!

To pep up the sparkle, I added some shimmery stars as well, and accented each balloon with a sparkly sequin!! You can never have too much sparkle!

Everything went on a thick Whisper White card base; I'll stamp a sentiment on the inside when I'm ready to mail it out!  And I am also squeaking this in just under the wire at Festive Friday:

I've got pink, green, diecuts and SPARKLE!!!  

I hope you'll play along with our special celebration...share your CAS creation with us at the Paper Players blog, and be sure to check out what everyone else has created!  Can't wait to see it!

This is my last fishing picture, I promise.....but I think you'll like it:

Apparently fishing has been quite popular this summer!  Thanks for popping in...enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Card stock & Papers     Thick Whisper White, Glimmer Paper in Silver, Gold, Bermuda Bay and Rose (some ret), Adhesive Sheets
Accessories Sequins from my stash
Tools     Big Shot, Celebrate You Dies (ret), Balloon Punch, Black Marker, Star Dies (Verve)


  1. I agree - nothing says celebration like a little sparkle and some balloons and your CAS card totally hits the spot! CAS party perfection!

  2. LOve the sparkle, LeAnne! a perfect party card!
    Please don't stop these fishing photos? It's as close as I've gotten to go myself!
    ps love the matching t-shirts! Congrats on this 500th anniversary - I've always wondered if the PP is for SU people? or can anyone play?

  3. What a fantastic celebration card, LeAnne! I need to remember this for the kids birthdays! I love the sparkle and how you've "tied" the balloons to the sentiment! The sequins are a fun addition too!

  4. Oops, meant to add how I love seeing the sweet face and smile of your little nephew! He's so adorable and looks like he has a delightful personality!

  5. What a fabulous sparkly creation to celebrate the 500th challenge! Balloons always scream "party"! LOVE it!

  6. Your card and two handsome guys makes for "all's well with my world". Thanks for the blessing.

  7. LOVE your sparkly balloons! Very festive and perfect for a celebration!

  8. Your sparkly card is perfect for the 500th celebration, it's FUN! That's a darling fishing photo ;)

  9. Sparkly and shiny is perfect for such a celebration!! That is a lot of fabulous cards from your wonderful team!

  10. Yes indeed, sparkle makes everything celebratory! Love your design tying the balloons to the sentiment. Just an awesome CAS card with lots of pizzazz!

  11. LeAnne, this is the perfect celebration card. Those fabulous glittery balloons make me so happy. You have arranged them so that they look as though they are about to float off the card. Fabulous CAS card my friend and I am so honored to have been creating with you for so many challenges :-)

  12. Super cute, love all the sparkle!

  13. LeAnne, I am so honored to be on the team with you! I love all these sparkly balloons to get the celebration started! CAS perfection, My Friend! Have a great weekend!

  14. What a wonderful card to celebrate 500 challenges! Love those sparkly balloons! Thank you for letting me play along this year! And that's gonna be a BIIIIG fish story! ")

  15. Oooh, those sparkly balloons are PERFECT for this challenge! Love how the colors pop on the clean design. So excited to celebrate 500 Challenges with you! I am so thankful and blessed to have you as a friend through our love of stamping. Big hugs sent your way!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!