

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hello from the Funny Farm

Happy Saturday, peeps!  Hope you're hanging in there with your quarantining/social distancing!  I am praying the end is in sight!  My card today is for a couple of challenges; Always Fun Challenges wants to see farm animals, and Just Add Ink has a sketch:

With four children on a dairy farm, I am sure my mother and father thought our household was definitely a funny farm at times, and when I saw this Unity stamp, I knew I had to have it!  

My original choice of patterned paper was blue, hence the blue cow, sheep and rooster.  I didn't like how it looked, so I opted for another pattern and I like this one much better!  I isolated some of the images, cutting them out partially, then slipping a Stitched Shape square die behind it and cut it out, matting it with a Night of Navy Layering Squares scallop:

I added a couple country-style banners under the image, then stamped the sentiment below:

I haven't quite decided to whom to send this card, but I am sure in light of what's going on in the world now, it will be understood and appreciated!  Thanks for popping in today--be sure to come back tomorrow for a new Paper Players challenge!

Wayne's work, Four Seasons Produce, purchased 2200 boxes of food to kind of made me tear up to see all these cars waiting for food.  Praying, praying, praying.  "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"  Matthew 6:26-27.  Lord, let us pray that you will feed and take care of these needy ones! And help us not to worry!!  Thanks for popping in today---be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Funny Farm (Unity Stamps)
Card stock & Papers     Night of Navy, Naturals White (ret), Very Vanilla, Frontier DSP(Authentique)
 Ink Memento Black, Night of Navy
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Shapes Dies, Layering Squares Dies


  1. It's so nice to see produce being donated. Publix here is buying local and donating it to a group. I almost ordered this stamp set when I ordered my Daisy Girl from Unity. I'll have to keep my eye on it for a "sale". I got my girl on sale luckily. I love your card and it will surely bring a smile to someone. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. Just love this, LeAnne … what a darling 'I've got your back' kinda card!

  3. That is a brilliant card LeAnne and is sure to put a smile on someone's face!
    It's heartening to hear that businesses are buying up food to donate. I love that bit of the verse about worrying and I always used to say it to the children. Vicky x

  4. What a fun, cute card! And the food donation brings tears to my eyes.

  5. Love the farm-inspired whimsy and humor of this card, LeAnne! And it really ties nicely with the photo of the amazing, generous produce gift to area residents who need it. God bless Four Seasons Produce!

  6. My hubby comes from a family of eight kids...his poor mama!! This is cute Leanne, love them all stacked up!

  7. I just love this LeAnne - such fun and will definitely strike a chord with the recipient in the current situation we find ourselves in! So heartwarming that companies and individuals alike are doing their bit to look out for those less fortunate during the current climate. I hope one of the outcomes of all of this is that we are all a little more considerate and thoughtful of others moving forward.

  8. like that you switched out the background do the red as it really makes the image pop on this.

  9. This is a lovely post - I really love the way you have cut out and then die cut your image - it's very clever. A lovely card. Chantell Just Add Ink

  10. This has a perfect rustic and somewhat quirky feel LeAnne that just makes me smile - especially the sentiment! Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink this week. Kim


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