

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

SPS001 Beachy Birthday

Happy Wednesday, peeps!  I have a sweet little birthday card, using a sketch from Mary Fish!  She's started a Stampin' Pretty Sketchbook challenge, and although she doesn't have a link, she says to share it on social media...which would have to be my FB page, as I don't normally do Instagram!  I guess I'll have to try to get into the 21st century!  My problem is that I don't take very good pix with my trusty old camera does a better job for me!  Anyway, here's the sketch:

Stampin' Pretty Sketchbook #sps001

So here's my take on it!  I love all the new things in the mini catalog, but I have so many sets from the current catalog, they sometimes get forgotten!  Today I am using the Seaside Notions set:

I masked, stamped and watercolored the shells with Stazon Black and So Saffron, Soft Seafoam, Blushing Bride and Marina Mist inks, then fussy-cut them and arranged them on a Whisper White square with a Blushing Bride scalloped mat:

I added a sentiment from the same set and enhanced it with some pearls and a wee bit of Petal Pink ribbon; it all went on a Soft Seafoam gingham DSP panel and a Soft Seafoam card base, embossed with the Subtle embossing folder:

I am also adding this to the Global Design Project challenge this week, which is "celebration"!!

This is already out in the mail to a very special someone!  Thanks for popping in today--enjoy your day and be blessed!


  1. This is such a beautiful card with your soft pastel colors and beautiful serene images! I really like your take on the sketch! I don't use Instagram either because I do NOT own a cellphone! LOL I still use a camera with a USB cord to d/l photos - so I'm probably only one step out of the dinosaur age! LOL

  2. You used this sketch perfectly, LeAnne! Love the soft green with the pop of color! I think social media is going to have to go along without me!

  3. How could you go wrong starting out with more of that precious gingham? LeAnne, this is such a gorgeous card - love all the sweet little seaside images, and their colors!
    This will brighten up any Winter birthday! xx

  4. What a beautiful card and nice use of the sketch! I am planning to use that sketch also! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Pretty, pretty, pretty! I didn't realize Mary was doing that. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love the colors on this one LeAnne, it's so soft and pretty!

  7. Oh my you are making me think about summer! Beautiful beach card....perfect colors!

  8. beautiful the soft toned colour mf.
    x Karen

  9. Love the texture and the gingham. Not to mention those colorful shells. What a pretty card! And as for Instagram if you use Chrome as your browser there is an extension you can download that will allow you to post to Instagram directly from your PC. Just sayin' :)


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