

Friday, July 5, 2019

AYSI204 Holiday Greetings

Happy Friday, peeps!  I hope you had a good 4th, if you celebrated the 4th of July!  It was a hot one, that's for sure! Luckily, my nephew's house has lots of room because right at picnic time, it POURED!!  Still lots of good food and fun, though!  

Okay, we've got a new As You See It challenge for you this week....check this out:

No photo description available.

Doesn't that look like a fun recipe?  I loved it!  And here's what I created:

I had gotten this Avery Elle wreath die a while back and thought it would be ideal for a sparkly glimmery red wreath, since it already had stars!  How convenient!  The Mint Macaron sentiment dies were backed with the same red glimmer paper:

And I added a little Mint Macaron bow:

While I was cleaning out my craft room stash lately, I came across some pre-embossed papers that someone had kindly made and mailed to me....I cannot remember who this generous soul was...but I put one to good use as a snowy background!  It went on a Real Red mat for a nice bit of contrast!  And here is the inside; I used some images and sentiments from the retired Stitched with Cheer set!  Love how this turned out!  

And since there's a fair amount of sparkle going on with my glimmer paper, I am entering this in the Happy Little Stampers July challenge:

I hope you'll play along with our Christmas recipe to create your own holiday card!  Be sure to share it with us at As You See It!  And be sure to check out what the DT created as well!  Thanks for popping it today!

Twister is still around, LOL!

Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Stitched With Cheer (ret)
Card stock & Papers     Whisper White, Real Red, Mint Macaron, Red Glimmer
 Ink Real Red, Mint Macaron
Accessories Mint Macaron Texture Ribbon, Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Star Frame Die (Avery Elle), Season of Cheer Dies (Concord and 9th), Unknown Embossing Folder


  1. One must keep Twister alive! We gave ours away as no one can put his/her body through those contortions any longer and there are no small children in our family. I love your card and especially the wreath. I off to visit AYSI now. Enjoy your Saturday.

  2. I really like how easily you combined all the factors of this challenge into one great CAS card! I really like that sparkly wreath and how the sentiment negatives have matching sparkle, and the inside sentiment is great too! Very pretty color scheme too!

  3. I like your sparkly wreath! This is fun LeAnne!

  4. Love that starry, sparkly wreath - can't wait to play along with this challenge, I'm hoping to get to it this weekend! Bravo on the Twister game too - endless hours of fun for children! Someone had a Twister board on the back of a picnic rug at Ben's school sports day last week and the kiddies were queuing up to have a go in between races!

  5. Gorgeous card LeAnne, what a beautiful sparkly wreath, Someone's going to be delighted to receive this at Christmas time!
    Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Happy Little Stampers Christmas Challenge!

  6. Love all the sparkle on your beautiful festive card!
    Thanks for sharing with us Happy Little Stampers Christmas Challenge.
    Carol x


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!