

Monday, May 6, 2019

Botanical Sympathy

Happy Monday, peeps!  My family needs several sympathy cards this week as a sweet family member lost her battle with cancer.  Blessedly, she coped with it wonderfully for many years and we all know she is in heaven rejoicing with her Lord!  The challenge at Just Add Ink this week is to make a sympathy card, and the sketch at Sunday Stamps fit what I had in mind:

I've been playing with Botanical Bliss and the matching Botanical Tags dies, and thought a diecut floral would look nice with the sketch.  I cut out a floral from some watercolor paper and watercolored it with Crushed Curry, Mint Macaron and Garden Green inks:

I haven't used Pineapple Punch much, as it is a little paler than what I like, but I combined two of the In Color patterns as a background for my flower and I really like it!  

I finished it with a sympathy sentiment from Flourishing Phrases, stamped in Garden Green, and diecut it with a Stitched Labels die.  Easy and pretty!  Thanks for popping in today!

No Cassidy pix, but my backyard was very active this weekend, full of birds!  First, we have a nutso robin who has been sitting on our car mirrors (and making a big mess!), attaching himself to our screen door and throwing himself against the patio doors.  We think he is protecting a mama robin who is nesting on four little eggs under our shed roo!

Then we had a rose-breasted grosbeak who actually hung around ALL DAY!  He really liked the seed in my feeder and kept coming back again and again!

At the same time, we got an elusive indigo bunting--at least I think that's what he is.  There have been blue grosbeaks spotted in Delaware, but I am still thinking this is a bunting!  He was very skittish and I didn't get any close pictures, but was thrilled to see him nonetheless! 

Finally, we had a brown thrasher, which I see fairly often, but several people told me they've never seen them....their yellow eyes make them quite interesting!

It was an exciting day! The grosbeak and bunting will not hang around, they're just moving through, enjoying a snack, then off to their summer homes, LOL! 

Enjoy your day and be blessed!


  1. Love your birds! Brown on is a Thrasher. You probably know that though. You must live in the country!

  2. A glorious bright start to my day, LeAnne! What a beautiful sunshine-y card - love the DP!
    Have I shared the All About Birds site from Cornell? I know you'd love it... thanks for sharing your birds with us! LOve that Bunting! There's a blue I cannot resist!

  3. I am so sorry for your loss and know there is comfort with the hope we have been given through our Lord. Your card is beautiful. I agree, I think the blue one is a bunting. We had a red headed woodpecker do the same thing on our reflective windows at the house and the cardinals would go after the mirrors on our RV. What a mess is right!

  4. Such a nice card. Thank you for sharing it and those beautiful pictures of the birds!!

  5. Thanks for sharing the bird photos. You are a good photographer! The robin on the mirror is a winner! Our yard has been interesting lately with 2 or 3 foxes trying to catch the squirrels off guard. I just hope none of them are rabid like in some of the towns near us. (One woman is in the local nospital being treated for rabies after she was attacked.) This is the first year we've seen them here.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. Cancer is so cruel. I love your sympathy card, it is bright and soothing.

    Love your bird pics! I am a birder, and I have never seen a Rose Breasted Grosbeak, let alone in my yard. You must have a wonderful yard! I agree that is an Indigo Bunting and not a grosbeak. The grosbeak has such a huge beak. Thanks for sharing those photos!

    and thank you for visiting my blog!!

  7. Such a lovely sunny card - great combo of the yellows! Pineapple has really been growing on me this week, lol. Thanks so much for playing at Sunday Stamps!

  8. Wow you live in an aviary! Very pretty sympathy the yellow....

  9. Pineapple Punch is the perfect sunshiny colour to brighten someones day at such a difficult time...Lovely card LeAnne, thanks for joining in at Just Add Ink.xx

  10. This is a lovely sympathy card. The sunny yellow is very uplifting. Love the shot of the birds! My hubby went on a photo taking trip this morning and was disappointed with the cold dreary weather after driving two hours. Hopefully he got in a few good shots!

  11. Wow, what a fabulous selection of Birds you have visiting - it must be so lovely to watch them.

    Very pretty and bright sympathy card. I think this would brighten the day for who receives it. Chantell Just Add Ink

  12. So sorry for your loss - celebrations like Mothers Day are difficult when our loved ones are no longer with us.

    I love how bright and colourful your creation is. Thankyou for sharing with us at Just Add Ink x

  13. Sorry to hear of your loss. At least the battle of cancer is over. A very cheery sympathy card and I like that you used the In Color DSP. Very pretty. Thanks for playing along with this weeks sketch challenge at Sunday Stamps!


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