

Monday, March 18, 2019

Happy Tails and Nine Lives Mirror Stamping

Happy Monday, peeps!  Last week was my club week, and my girls learned how to do mirror stamping along with a punch!  I finally found the video tutorial by my friend Cindy Brumbaugh; you can see how she does it HERE.  (She actually shares the whole process for the card she made, so if you just want to see how she does the mirror stamping/punching part, it's around 9 minutes into the video!)  So I wanted to use the dogs from Happy Tails for our card, and this is what we made:

I have to say that this is one of my favorite cards ever!  Everyone nailed the technique beautifully, and it was so much fun to make!  Here's a closeup:

The front panel was embossed with the Subtle embossing folder, and the heart diecut is from the Be Mine Framelits.  We used Call Me Clover for our accent colors for the dog house, collars and DSP, and we even stamped some dog prints on the inside for fun:

I couldn't let the kitties from Nine Lives be left out, so as a sample, I also created this card, using some Twinkle Twinkle and Woodgrain DSPs:

Be sure to check out Cindy's video, she explains everything so well, I know you'll want to try this technique too!  Thanks for popping in today!

On Saturday, our church had an "Everybody Birthday Party".  We decorated twelve tables, one for each month, and everyone had to sit at the table of their birthday month!  We had two big cakes, ice cream and toppings, we sang happy birthday, and played birthday bingo! Cassidy sat at the August table with our friend Dale.  Dale has been to our house many times and is a special friend of ours; he has suffered a couple of strokes lately and it is a real struggle for him to get out to church, but last night John brought him over from the nursing home so he could celebrate with us.  He and Cassidy ate their cake and ice cream together:

Cassidy's table had a tablecloth on it that looked like an ocean, along with lots of beachy things:

You can see my vintage lunch pails in the background for September's table too!  And my friend Sara, whose birthday is next week, decorated the March table:

Lots of cake and ice cream (and that's my friend Sara in her signature green!):

It was fun getting to know people that we might not normally interact with on a Sunday morning!  (Ooh, and there's me behind Wayne, passing out cake, LOL!)

Thanks for indulging me a little today!  Enjoy it and be blessed!


  1. I love to indulge you! That looked like so much fun. I watched Cindy awhile ago doing this technique and totally forgot to do anything with it! Thanks for reminding me. I'll give a try...honest!! Your cards are great and I think the Irish setters (lol) are perfect. Have a blessed week.

  2. I've just had my first run at mirror stamping, LeAnne! I'll be sure to check out that video for lots of tips!
    Your dogs, and cats are raining cuteness today!!

  3. I love your Happy Tails card and Nine Lives! So cute! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for sharing the birthday party you had at your church. Great idea! We might have to do that too!

  4. I love the everybody's birthday party idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. LeAnne, AWESOME cards today. Love the cute doggies! GOTTA CASE! I have got to try out that mirror image business with the Stamparatus! Very cute kitty card too! TFS all your creations with us. It looked like a fun day at church!

  6. How CUTE are these! I'm with you, the pups card is a favorite! What fun idea for your church gathering!

  7. Fun card! I'm going to check out that technique. Those pups look like they were ready for St. Paddy's Day with the green doghouse and their green collars. I love the birthdays through the year party idea! That's an awesome idea!

  8. OMGosh, I really love this doggy card, LeAnne! I have never tried that technique and will definitely have to check that out! I also love the colors and design of it! Your kitty card is adorable as well! You were on a roll! Great job! :)

  9. I'm a 'dog person' so your darling card really caught my eye. Love the dogs and colors. Off to check out the technique video. tfs

  10. Perfect mirror images.....adorable cards! And I love the birthday idea at your!

  11. Fantastic technique~I love the look of the mirrored dogs and cats, LeAnne! Also, your church party for every month is such a great idea! Love the decorated tables for every month~


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