

Sunday, January 20, 2019

PP425 Snowy Day

Happy Sunday, peeps! Hope you're staying safe and warm this weekend!  It's time for another Paper Players challenge, and it is a CLEAN AND SIMPLE one!  Be sure to check out the guidelines at the Paper Players' blog!  Claire is our hostess this week and here is her prompt:

I chose to go more with the "snow" than the woods, using a Darice embossing folder and a cute little redbird from Flora and Fauna:

I am also using the color palette from CAS Colours and Sketches:

I stamped the bird in Memento black, coloring it with some Blends, then diecut it and matted it with a Balmy Blue scallop:

I added a Crumb Cake branch and colored it with some Wink of Stella, then a little "joy" from another Flora and Fauna set.  I mounted it all on the embossed panel and then on a Crumb Cake card.  Sweet, clean and simple!  I hope you play along with us!  Check out what the other designers created:

·        Ann
·        Claire
·        Jaydee
·        Joanne
·        Laurie
·        Nance
·        Anne Marie
·        Su
·        Wanda

And speaking of snow, a little snowy fun with the wee little bit we got last week.  It wasn't much, but it was very cold and very slippery!!

A snow angel:

The sun is getting lower and the shadows longer:

And we even got Grampy to go down a few times!

Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Winter Aviary, Mini Aviary (Flora and Fauna)
Card stock & Papers     Whisper White, Crumb Cake, Balmy Blue
 Ink Memento Black, Crumb Cake
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Shapes Framelits, Layering Circles Framelits, Snowflake Swirl EF (Darice), Wink of Stella, SU Blends


  1. That embossing folder is gorgeous LeAnne and makes this into one beautiful snowy card! Love the pop of colour your cardinal adds too. Just lovely!

  2. Sweet the embossing. AND Cassidy is a pro at making snow angels!

  3. Cute red bird..and it looks so stunning on all the white! The embossed background is so pretty too. Love the snow angels!

  4. Oh, I like all of your swirling snow surrounding that cute little bird! This is adorable LeAnne. Cassidy made a perfect snow angle, love it!

  5. Snow fun! We got snow here this weekend too but I didn't get out and do much playing in it. I love your beautiful card and the color combo is great!

  6. First look at all that snow at your house! Love the pictures of the snow angel Cassidy created! Great memories playing with Grampy!

    Your card is gorgeous! That embossing folder steals the show! Love the beautiful cardinal spreading joy! Thank you for rocking my challenge! Have a fantastic week, My Friend and Stay Warm! XX

  7. Lovely use of this week's colors, thanks for playing along with us at CC&S.

  8. Such a beautiful card! Thanks for joining us at CC&S!

  9. Your sweet cardinal really pops against the beautiful white embossing in the background! Enjoyed seeing your snow pics! My grandkids (4 and 2) enjoy making snow angels as well! Stay warm!

  10. Wow! Clean and simple perfection, LeAnne! I LOVE the embossed background. Oh my gosh...snow angels bring back so many memories! Stay warm!!!

  11. LeAnne, I love the embossed background and the kraft base layer really does frame it beautifully. That little bird is gorgeous, especially with his scalloped border. Another fabulous card.

  12. Love everything about his Leanne! The colors, the texture and that sweet cardinal. Such a perfect tribute to the winter season. Hooray for snow angels!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!