

Friday, November 2, 2018

ATSI188 Speedy Feathers

Hi everyone, Happy Friday!  Today we have a fun challenge from As You See It, these ALWAYS challenge me...speed stamping!  Make your card in ten minutes or less, once you get all your supplies together!

Image may contain: text

This is hard for me because while I start out with an idea, I might change it at some point in the middle of the process, which might involve new dies, new stamps, you get the idea!  So it took me a couple tries to get my time down to about 8 minutes and 45 seconds!  So here we go:

I don't think I have used these feathers from Four Feathers maybe but two or three times, but I thought they would make a big bold statement on my very simple card.  I had the Real Red card base already on my desk; cut out the stitched frame, stamped the feathers, added a sentiment and two enamel dots and it was done! 

So let me show you my first attempt at 10-minute stamping; I saw a technique on A Stamp Above's blog (although I cannot find the exact post right now, I'll search for it!) where Kelly stamped on a window sheet with Stazon ink and colored the back with Blends, then backed her image with glimmer pretty!  So that was my first attempt, and it went well until I got to the sentiment; I didn't like what I had picked out, so I ran over my time.  But I'll share my final project with you anyway:

I used some Lovely Lipstick DSP, a sentiment from Itty Bitty Greetings, and the image is from Many Blessings:

When I had that one finished, I took my leftover pieces and made one more card!

This one uses the sketch from Hand Stamped Sentiments:

I cut out a candy cane with an Impressions Obsessions die and backed it with another piece of glimmer paper, and used the Lovely Lipstick leftovers and same sentiment as the second card:

And the unused original sentiment from the second card went on the inside!!

I have been trying to create two cards each time I sit down to stamp, and I was happy this day to create three!  So I hope you'll play along with our timed stamping challenge!  You CAN make a card in ten minutes or less--give it a try and share it with us at As You See It!

Bus stop Halloween....Ninja Turtle, Princess Ana and the Karate Kid!

Thanks for popping in today--enjoy it and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Four Feathers (ret), Many Blessings, Itty Bitty Greetings
Card stock & Papers     Real Red, Whisper White, Window Sheets, Dazzling Diamonds Glimmer, Lovely Lipstick DSP
 Ink Lovely Lipstick
Accessories Enamel Star (ret), DImensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Layering Circles Framelits, Bitty Banners Framelits (ret), Stitched Rectangle Dies (Avery Elle), Candy Cane Die (Impression Obsession)


  1. They are all great cards, LeAnne, but i'm not sure I could make one that quickly! LOL Love how you stamped the feathers and the simple design! This was an awesome masculine set! I also loved your Christmas cards! I saw that video by Kelly about stamping on a window sheet & using the Blends and then mounting to Glimmer Paper! It was such a cool technique and I have been stewing over using that at one of my stamp get together's. Love how yours turned out! Hope you have a Happy Friday! :)

  2. Hi MsLeeAnn , ru going to Orlando? If so let’s meet for once and for all, lol♥️

    That big girl Cassady is sure getting so big and beautiful, just like grandma and mommy, ♥️♥️♥️

    My hubby still ask for her , have you seen Cassady. Lol, that makes my heart melt , that he thinks of her as a baby baby , funny , cause I have always shared her pics since day one 😜

    Ok hugs and hope to see u next week ♥️

  3. Cute cards! I must try that window sheet technique! I, too, have been trying to make at least two cards at a time! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I looked at your cards and kiddos early this morning and had a comment written, but I don't see it here so I must not have sent it before I got out of the internet. Cute cards, cute costumes, cute children! I tried to find the directions by Kelly Acheson but had no luck. So, if you find, let me know. Did you place a piece of glimmer paper the size of the window sheet and then glue matching card stock to hide that? Have a great weekend.

  5. Speed stamping is always a challenge for me! I fuss and ponder too much most of the time! But you've done a great job! And I like that you showed us your first attempt. It's quite lovely and the glimmer paper behind your colored image is a nice touch.

  6. Wow, a terrific trio of cards you've got there...but red is my favorite color! Love the feathers...I need to look for my set! Your Christmas cards are adorable. And there's another terrific trio at your bus stop!

  7. LeAnne, I love visiting your blog and getting an update on your family! Such fun! Love your Christmas card with cut out window- I want to try it out too! And your "left over" pieced Christmas card is cute too! Happy weekend!

  8. You've been a busy bee! These are terrific LeAnne, I like those cute little candy canes. That's a mighty cute trio at the bus stop too ;)

  9. 10 minutes or less? Yikes!! My hat is off to you for pulling off that feat! And not only did you do it, LeAnne, but it's absolutely fantastic as well. Love your "sweet" candy cane card! Thank you for playing with us at Hand Stamped Sentiments and hope you can join us again soon.

  10. So much red and white delight! All of them turned out fabulous, but I can't help to be partial to the candy cane that takes in our sketch at HSS! I'm so glad you joined us!

  11. Three in one, with this post! I like the technique of your first attempt - very ambitious for a speed challenge and still a lovely card. I like those feathers - strong and bold, they suit the red.

  12. Oh I love all your cards - the feathers are just so lovely and I love what you've done with our sketch. I'm going to have a go at the speed stamping and red is my favourite colour. Thanks for joining us at Hand Stamped Sentiments - Fiona DT


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!