

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

GDP145 You Are Wonderful

Happy 4th of July, everyone!  I have a decidedly un-patriotic card today, LOL!  It uses the Global Design Project challenge #145 palette of Grapefruit Grove, Mint Macaron and Fresh Fig:

I also used the Fall-To Layout 78:

I wasn't sure if the black portion on the sketch was actually part of the card, or just a background layer, so I just made my card without it!  So here we go:

I used a piece of Grapefruit Grove DSP on the edge, cutting the corners with a circle punch.  The wreath from Swirly Scribbles thinlets was cut with Mint Macaron, and the flowers from Perennial Birthday (I can't seem to put this set away!) were heat-embossed with Craft White ink and Clear Embossing powder, colored with an aquapainter and reinkers, then fussy-cut:

And sinced I smudge ink on part of the wreath, I added some faceted embellishments.  The sentiment is from Rooted In Nature, and I stamped both elements with some little speckles from the Perennial Birthday set as well:

Thanks for popping in today!  Enjoy it and be blessed!

I noticed a robin flying in and out from under our shed roof and scolding me whenever I put the trash out or wanted to use the hose.  I thought it was a bit unusual, but I checked, and sure enough, she had a nest with three babies in it!  I didn't think they would have a nest this late in the season!

I'm keeping an eye on them so I can see when they fledge!!!  Although as hot as it is, I think I would want to stay under the roof in the shade!!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Perennial Birthday, Rooted in Nature
Card stock & Papers     Whisper White, Mint Macaron, 2018-2020 In Color DSP, Adhesive Sheets
 Ink Craft White, Fresh Fig, Mint Macaron, Grapefruit Grove
Accessories Faceted Embellishments, Dimensionals, Clear Embossing Powder
Tools     Big Shot, Swirly Scribbles Thinlets, Heat Tool, Aquapainter, 1 3/4" Circle Punch


  1. Who woulda thought these colors could look so beautiful together!

  2. Lovely card LeAnne. Love the colors and the design.
    Happy 4th of July.

  3. You did a great job with the sketch and those colors, LeAnne! I love the wide pp border! And I especially loved the photos of the three baby robins ~ thank you for sharing! I was told once that birds keep trying into the summer if something happened to their prior nest/eggs/babies. I love that about birds. Hope you had a great 4th and that things cool off there soon!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. Very pretty! Love how you used the sketch, thanks for playing along!!!

  5. This little lovely appeared in my mailbox yesterday, thank you!


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