

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

RRCB85 Vintage Buttons

Hi everyone!  It's time for another Retro Rubber Challenge, how fun!  This week it's a near-and-dear-to-my-heart one--vintage!  Check it out:

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I pulled out Papertrey's Vintage Button set...not sure when this came out but I know it's prior to 2012!  I also used a retired Cornish Heritage Farm set called Sew Special (circa 2010) to create my collage-style vintage card:

My papers were from My Mind's Eye, but for the life of me, I can't find which 6x6 pad it was, sorry!  I stamped the button cards on a polka-dotted piece and cut them out, then stamped the buttons on Very Vanilla and punched them out and popped them up on the top card, adhered them on the bottom one.  I gave all the edges a little sponge of Crumb Cake before adhering.  

I added some little bits and bobs, some crochet trim, embroidery floss, a little scalloped doodad:

And a little label, embellished with a pearl that I colored with a SU Crumb Cake Blend marker:

On the inside, I added this sentiment....SEW cute!

I love vintage and I love sewing, so this card really made me happy to create!  I hope you'll share your vintage creation with us at Retro Rubber this week!!  Can't wait to see what you make!

A couple more pictures from the wedding....both of John's parents have passed away, but his step-parents are still around!  Here's me and John's stepmother:

and John and his stepfather:

Thanks for popping in today!!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!


  1. You know I am there with you ....loving the lace...lovely look super

  2. LeAnne this is so fabulous... one must study it to see all the wonderful bits and bobs you've perfectly chosen to add to this little vintage masterpiece!

  3. You definitely have a knack for getting vintage "just right", LeAnne! Love the sweet cards of buttons. All of your little details are just perfect to show them off! Of course, the DSP is the perfect place to showcase everything. I love all the subtle sewing tools all over the DSP, nice family pictures of you and John too. I hope you got one of the two of you!

  4. Lovely vintage style card. Love the button images and little bits of thread, lace and tag. Great pictures you shared. TFS
    Have a wonderful day.

  5. I love buttons and I love your vintage cards - so sweet with such personality.

  6. Hi! I love your card and share your love of vintage! Great job!

  7. So many lovely details LeAnne! Lace, twine, tags, buttons, and of course Vintage style stamps!

  8. Lovely card, so many gorgeous details, Cathy x

  9. I love all of the layers on this pretty card LeAnne! That little bit of lace is a lovely touch!

  10. You are the vintage queen girl! I love your vintage stuff.....and you always add just the right amount of “Stuff” without overloading your card! Beautiful!

  11. This is so very, very you LeAnne - you are as Linda rightly says the queen of vintage and you totally rock this style!

  12. Super cute and vintage masterpiece! Every detail is perfectly done and placed! I would never have guessed that those stamps didn't come with the DSP. Truly wonderful, LeAnne!!

  13. LeAnne, I rememeber seeing packages of buttons like these on my sweet maternal grandma's sewing machine, the colors and the design on your card brought back loving memories of her sitting by her bedroom window sewing something all the time.
    Beautifully done, this card looks like it was pulled out from an old memories trunk up in the attic.
    Love all the details and the layout, thank you for sharing.

  14. LeAnn, your card is gorgeous and made me go and look in my Great-Grandmother's button tin and pull out one of the packages that look like yours! I inherited both my Grandmother's and my Great-Grandmother's button tins. I love buttons and have a vast collection and as I sew too they get used. I add things from the Grandmother's tins to special items for friends and family. I have a whole different set of buttons for crafting with. Beautiful card, that really evoked memories of my beloved Grandmother and all the fun times we spent together sewing. Cx

  15. You are ever the queen of vintage, LeAnne! Doodad - such a wonderful technical term and a perfectly useful word. Lovely card.


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