

Friday, April 6, 2018

AYSI173 Just Sitting Here

Happy Friday, peeps!  It's time for another As You See It challenge; this week it's a sketch, with lots of room for interpretation:

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First, before I share my card, I must confess that I CASEd this idea from Loll at  CAS Watercolour Challenge!  Their challenge this month is "bird", and I just loved her card with the little bird diecut against that beautiful watercolored background!

 I thought it would work well with our sketch challenge, so I just had to make my own: 

My own background was a happy accident!  I love to watercolor WITHIN the lines, but doing a random background like this makes me very nervous!  I started out by embossing the big fuzzy image from Touches of Texture twice in Versamark and clear embossing powder; I positioned it once on my Stamparatus, then turned my watercolor paper and stamped it again.  After heat-embossing the image, I just began filling in the area around it with various shades of green ink.  Imagine my surprise when it ended up looking like a big white hydrangea (at least that's what it looks like to me!)!!!  

I added some stamped leaves from Blooms and Wishes to continue to floral look, then diecut a bird  from a scrap of watercolor paper using the Birds and Blooms framelits. I watercolored it in some wren-ish colors and positioned him atop the edge of the blossom, and then added a sentiment from Sitting Here, stamped in Basic Black:

I didn't punch out the diecut areas of the bird, but left them intact by putting a little piece of tape on the back to hold the wing and the eye in place.  I mounted my watercolor piece on a card of Thick White Cardstock and I really love how it feels like a little piece of art!  

I hope you will play along with our sketch at As You See It this week!  Everyone really rocked the color challenge we had, so let's keep the mojo going!  You can check the samples from the DT here, and share yours with us as well!

So apparently this was the year for unusual egg dying! Not only did Cassidy tie-dye eggs, she painted some:

and she even dyed some with rice....the rice and the dye go into a baggie, then the egg gets shaken in the baggie, and the dye is transferred to the egg!

And big kid Wayne even got in on the action!

Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Touches of Texture, Sitting Here, Blooms and Wishes
Card stock & Papers     Watercolor, Thick White
 Ink Garden Green, Tranquil Tide, Basic Black, Chocolate Chip, Crushed Curry, Versamark
Tools     Heat Tool, White Embossing Powder, Big Shot, Birds and Blooms Framelits, Mini Dimensionals, Dimensionals


  1. Love, love, love this little wren, LeAnne! The background does look like a white hydrangea or snowball (plant not the cold stuff)! I love how you've added the loose watercoloring and stamped leaves to the background! Cassidy is becoming quite the artist! Beautiful eggs!

  2. LeAnne, you've made many great cards but this is my very favorite! It's just beautiful!

  3. That's such a cute little bird, perfectly color. Yes, I agree...white hydrangeas. The eggs were beautiful too. Have a blessed day and weekend.

  4. Awesome card, LeAnne! I love the sentiment, and your background is amazing! This one is getting pinned for future cas-ing....

  5. Don't you just LOVE when backgrounds come out even better than you'd hoped?!! This one is absolutely BEAUTIFUL LeAnne, and I like the idea that the white is a hydrangea...a perfect little nesting place for that sweet little bird! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!! :0)

  6. How sweet is that little bird! An how fun is the watercolor background where he's sitting?! It really does look like a hydrangea too. You guys were up to all kinds of crafts for Easter egg dying...I think Cassidy has the gene!

  7. Really pretty card! I love that green background and how you used the leaf stamps with the watercoloring.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. I used to love using rubber cement when coloring eggs. Die the egg a base color then cover small areas with rubber cement and dip in a different color, cover with a little more rubber cement and dip again, repeat until you get the combination you want. At the end peel all the rubber cement off to expose all the colors!

  9. Amazing background LeAnne! I'm with you on the watercoloring, it makes me nervous too! This is a lovely card and what a sweet little bird. Love seeing Cassidy doing all of these fun artsy projects!

  10. Awesome background LeAnne! I love the artsy look of the loose watercolouring and your beautiful leaves. The white embossing is so cool. It really does look like large blooms. Your bird is so pretty ... love the colours. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour! xx


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