

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

FMS329 and FF133 Easy Cards

Happy Wednesday, everyone!  I am really late today's snowing like crazy and I took the time to work on a few projects around the house that I'd been procrastinating on!!  So afterwards I rewarded myself with some stamping time!  My first card is a Christmas card using the Freshly Made Sketches sketch designed by Kim:

This one looked better in my head than on paper, but I hated to just toss it, so it will just be one of the ones that don't meet my "favorite" criteria!  I used the deer print from Be Merry and the Card Front Builder Thinlets to cut out some sparkly Glimmer paper trees; the deer from Carols of Christmas was stamped on some kraft paper and diecut with the same die set:

The little flourish is also from Carols of Christmas, and the "peace" is from Christmas Quilt.  These lovely products are just around for too short of a time, I never feel like I get good use of them, so it was satisfying to get them out and use them! I embossed a panel of Whisper White with the Softly Falling (so appropriate for the view out my window today) and mounted everything on it, then mounted that on a Chocolate Chip card base.

My next set of cards uses the simple but lovely sketch from Fab Friday:

I realized I hadn't used any of the Whole Lot of Lovely DSP for a while, and it is probably one of my favorites from this year!!!  I had a little piece of it already cut down, so I cut that piece into thirds to make my trio of thank you cards:

I used different mat colors for each one, mixing up the embellishments for each, but kept the sketch and the sentiment the same.  The Old Olive panel on this one was embossed with the Quilt Top embossing folder and accented with some burlap ribbon:

The Calypso Coral one (which matches the flower much better IRL than it does in this photo!) was accented with a little piece of Soft Sky that was diecut with one of the Window Box Thinlets and pieced together....such a cute little scallop!  I added some Linen Thread with a one-hole bow so it would stay put:

And finally, the Soft Sky panel was embossed with the Ruffled embossing folder and accented with some diecut leaves from the Bouquet Bunch Framelits and stamped with the little lace image from Touches of Texture:

The sentiment from Bella and Friends were stamped scraps of Whisper White and punched into banners with the Banner Punch!  Same design, three different looks! 

So this is my view this afternoon from my kitchen table (excuse my tissue!):

And I snagged this shot from my friend Deb's FB page....a sad Easter Bunny with frozen tears, lamenting another snowstorm:

Stay safe and warm and be sure to come back tomorrow for a new Inspired By challenge!  Be blessed and enjoy your day!


  1. I love the Christmas card, LeAnne! The DSP and those shimmery trees with that cute deer looks perfect together. Goes with the snow you're experiencing today! I also love the cards using Whole Lot of Lovely DSP. They're all pretty with the embossing on which to showcase that DSP. Glad you were able to get to stamp today, you got a lot done!

  2. As I was surfing the challenges today, I saw your first card but didn't realize it was yours. I thought to myself, "I really like that one." I was on a mission so I didn't check it out! Your other cards are equally as wonderful. Pardon your tissue? I'd be using one too to wipe away the tears from what was going on outside :-) It is pretty though...the snow, not your! You are a blessing!!

  3. Well I think today's snow inspired your Christmas card.....I love it! And your floral set of cards is all the variations!

  4. This is pretty LeAnne and appropriate for your frosty day! Those snowy trees and the little deer are perfect together. We woke to snow too and hubby had a treacherous drive into work this morning. I am so over the white stuff...I'm sad like that bunny LOL!

  5. Great cards! Love the set of coordinating cards with our sketch! It's so great how different a card can look with just a few changes! Thanks for sharing at Fab Friday!

  6. Leanne, that little trio of cards is BEAUTIFUL! That right there is my fave sheet from that DSP, love how you use every little scrap - such sweet color choices! Thanks so much for playing at Fab Friday!

  7. Looks like you've had a productive day LeAnne! I wish I was organised enough to get some Christmas cards done - I only seem to get to them mid November. This one is a the sparkly trees and the miniature reindeer and the second lot of cards are such a great design to use up all that dsp! Thanks for playing along at FMS!

  8. Your cards are both lovely, what a cute reindeer.

  9. Not sure why the Christmas card isn't in your favorite list - it's pretty awesome. I especially love the sparkly trees and the wee deer. And those thank you cards are gorgeous! Those flowers pop on each and every colorful, textured background.

  10. I totally adore this Christmas card LeAnne! You've have used the perfect colours, DSP and diecuts for your festive card. This would be a wonderful card to showcase at a class! Thanks for joining us at FMS this week!

  11. Oh those are lovely. I like the different backgrounds and I need to pull this out! Thanks for playing at FF and for inspiration!

  12. What a colorful trio of cards!!! I forget how nice clean and simple cards look when they are done right! Nice job! :)


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