

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy 2018, everyone!  It has been a whirlwind holiday here and I have been so blessed this past year!  A wedding, a new kitchen, friends and family...God has been good!  I found this sweet little postcard and loved the image and sentiment...perfect for the new year!

But yesterday at church, after the final hymn, we sang this song to the tune of Auld Lang Syne; we've sung it before, but somehow singing it on the actual day of New Year's Eve made me cry a little!  Here are the words, straight from the Bible, arranged by Dustin Kensrue...there are several verses (after which the chorus is sung) but they are powerful:

Should nothing of our efforts stand
No legacy survive
Unless the Lord does raise the house
In vain its builders strive.

To you who boast tomorrow's gain
Tell me what is your life
A mist that vanishes at dawn
All glory be to Christ!

All glory be to Christ our king!
All glory be to Christ!
His rule and reign will ever sing,
All glory be to Christ!

His will be done
His kingdom come
On earth as is above
Who is Himself our daily bread
Praise Him the Lord of love

Let living water satisfy
The thirsty without price
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
All glory be to Christ!


When on the day the great I Am
The faithful and the true
The Lamb who was for sinners slain
Is making all things new.

Behold our God shall live with us
And be our steadfast light
And we shall ere his people be
All glory be to Christ!


There are no better words by which to start a new day and a new year!  Blessings to all of you!


  1. What a beautiful way to start the New Year LeAnne! And yes, I did sing the words!! Wishing you and your beautiful family a Happy New Year filled with many Blessings!

  2. Both so beautiful LeAnne...thanks for sharing....will pass on...and yes you have truly been blessed 'this year...God IS good...He continues to bless me and my family also...everyday is a day of Gratitude.
    Wishing your New Year filled with more blessings, good health, love and laughter.

  3. That's a beautiful song...that you for sharing the words and the tune it goes to. Blessings to you and your family.

  4. Beautiful song! We used the same graphic for our New Year's posts - lol! ~chris

  5. Happy New Year sweet friend! May your family be blessed beyond measure this year! Thanks for the lovely song -- will probably be stuck in my mind all day. Hugs

  6. Thank you for sharing the beautiful lyrics sung at your church.

  7. Thank you so much for the beautiful words to Auld Lang Syne. Being a Scot I love that song. Also love your latest work of art and would love to make one just like it. Thank you and all the very best for 2018. God Bless, Jessie

  8. Love that embossing folder, LeAnne! It is perfect with the coffee cup. I too, love the hymn. Thank you so much for sharing!! :)

  9. A very Happy New Year to you LeAnne!

  10. Yes, and Amen! All glory be to Christ!
    Happy New Year, LeAnne!


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