

Monday, August 28, 2017

Pretty Painted Harvest

Happy Monday peeps!  It's an exciting day in our house; Cassidy starts second grade at a new school! She'll be attending our charter school and she is excited about meeting new teachers and friends!  I hope to have some pictures for you tomorrow!  Meanwhile, I have been playing with the new Painted Harvest set, due to come out in the Holiday mini catalog on Friday!  I just played with some scraps on my desk; no challenges or anything!  So here we go!  The first one used a scrap of Whole Lot of Lovely with a Tranquil Tide card base and a little linen thread embellishment:

My flower colors were Crushed Curry and Crumb Cake.  For the second one, I used a background of Pick a Pattern; the flower used Crushed Curry, Cajun Craze and Soft Suede, and I also stamped some leaves on the DSP in Soft Suede as well:


The sentiment was from Better Together, and I also added some gold thread behind my stitched scallop oval:

Last week Cassidy decided that Ethan had a gash on his head and needed stitches:

I'll spare you the gory details, but Grammy's stapler provided the best results:

I hope her second-grade teacher appreciates her imagination, LOL!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!


  1. Love your pretty cards.
    Cassidy has a great imagination and I am sure she provides lots of fun.

  2. Sometimes it's more fun when we create a card, just to create...rather than for a challenge, don't you think? I really like what you made. Cassidy is a doctor in the making...hope she has fun in her new school.

  3. Oh my, just love this set and what you've done with it, LeAnne! That sunflower is gorgeous! The pictures of Cassidy and her doll are what memories are made of! Too cute! TFS and enjoy your day! It's gorgeous out!!!

  4. Both fabulous, but LeAnne that stripe-y-ness on card two is fabulous! Did you create it using stamps, or is this a paper?
    Oh I think you have a budding surgeon on your hands! Yikes!
    Hope Miss C. has a fabulous first day!

  5. Lovely fall cards with your new stamps LeAnne! Great designs and colors on both! Hope all went well with Cassidy in her new school!

  6. Such pretty cards with this set! And second grade already? Yeoow! I remember when you took a bloggy break when she was born!

  7. Love your scrappy sunflowers cards LeAnne! The flowers have a lovely softness to them. Second grade, my goodness how time flies! Pure little Ethan. Hope those staples don't leave a scar ;)

  8. Pretty cards, LeAnne! I love the big sunflower on both settings! I hope Cassidy's day went well!

  9. Too funny about the doll needing stitches! I really laughed when I read the last sentence and saw the picture. She's one very creative little girl. :)


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