

Friday, March 17, 2017

CCC8 Gold and Silver

Happy Friday, peeps, and Happy St Pat's!  I hope you have something fun planned to do this weekend!  I haven't made a Christmas card for a while, and the photo challenge at Christmas Card Challenges inspired me to get out my gold and silver foil cardstock!  The photo is hard to see, but there are prancing deer and Christmas trees featured on some gift wrap.

My first attempt had been a shaker card for Tuesday's post...epic fail.  So I opted for something a little bit simpler, still not quite as I expected it to turn out, but at least it's another for my stash.  So here we go:

I started with a base of thick white cardstock on which to adhere my silver foil Evergreen Hillside diecut; I cut out a piece of Smoky Slate and printed vellum as well to layer and fit into the tree line on the top.  I then diecut two deer from gold foil, as well as a punched star, to adhere with dimensionals.  Pretty simple, all in all!  I love how pretty these diecuts are!

But I do have an issue with adhering vellum; it bugs me that I can see my little bigs of glue!  What do you use to adhere vellum?  I am sure there must be some good products out there on the market!  And I am still on the fence about adding a sentiment somewhere on the front.  For now, I'l leaving it as it is!  I did add a sentiment from Papertrey, stamped in Gold Encore, on the inside:

And here are a few snow photos...even though technically we didn't get that much, when it's all plowed up in a pile, it seems like a lot!  Here is my little "queen of the hill".....her scarf is blowin' in the wind, I think it must have been about 40 mph! You can see a portion of my little garden flag in the lower right hand is straight out!

Enjoy your day! 

Project Details--All Supplies Stampin Up Unless Otherwise Noted
Stamps O Holy Night (Papertrey Ink)
Card stock & Papers     Thick White, Gold Foil, Silver Foil, Botanical Gardens Vellum Stack (ret)
 Ink Gold Encore
Tools     Big Shot, Evergreen Hillside Die (Poppystamps), Playful Fawns Die (Poppystamps), Star Punch (ret), Dimensionals


  1. Lovely card! I think I'll enter that challenge today too. I used the glue dots from the January 2017 Paper Pumpkin kit and they didn't show. Somewhere I saw that someone said the SU Fine-Tip Glue Pen. Love the pink snow outfit!

  2. Gorgeous card! I use Tombow vellum adhesive to stick vellum down. Works great and comes in a dispenser just like the regular "snail" type adhesive. Cassidy looks like she is having fun in spite of the wind! It's been in the 70's here all week - go figure! ~chris

  3. Oooh this is so pretty, LeAnne! I love the rolling hillsides and the delicate little deer. I used elmers spray adhesive on vellum, yes even this time of year. I run out the back door and spray and run right back in, lol!

  4. Such a pretty card, LeAnne! Love those hills with the pops of gold & silver from the trees & deer! Beautiful Christmas card indeed! Cassidy looks like she's having fun but I bet she was cold! It's been so cold out...I guess Mother Nature decided we needed a taste of winter before spring arrives Monday. TFS! Stay warm & Happy St Patrick's Day to you! :)

  5. Wowzer!! I so love this card LeAnne! So gorgeous with all of the metallic and inlay design too! Gosh, you guys really got some snow! Way more than we has already melted as of today...which is fine with me! I'm ready for Spring! LOL!! Hope you have a great weekend! :) Hugs & Smiles - *Vicki*

  6. LeAnne, I love this card! Beautiful. I may have to order those stinkin' cute dies! So serene!

  7. Connie Stewart had a video using TomBow and a Stampin'Up! sponge. Using your Crafting mat, sponge the TomBow all over the back of the vellum, then press down to adhere to surface...nothing shows and it sticks. It can be a bit messy and sticky, but clean up is easy afterwards!

  8. This is pretty LeAnne! I like the shimmery foil. I would love an answer for the vellum adhesive too. I like act some of your commenters have written. I need to check on the TomBow products. Cassidy looks cute all bundled up!

  9. Gorgeous card! Thanks for playing along with us at Christmas Card Challenges.

  10. This is a beautiful card! I love the dies that you used and that printed vellum is so pretty! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Christmas Card Challenges! -Lori DT

  11. Wonderful card! Vellum is a beast to work with. The only thing I can think to say with this design is to make another layer and fold the top edge of the vellum underneath of it, attach it there, and leave the sides to "float" a bit.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!