

Thursday, December 22, 2016

FMS268 and SUO164 Happy 60th Birthday

Happy Thursday, peeps!  It's winding down to the big day and I probably won't be posting too many things until after the holiday, but I did want to squeeze in a card I made for an upcoming family birthday.  I used the theme from SUO Challenges, which is to use circles, ovals or squares on my card, and since the FMS sketch was square, I thought it would work well:

Amy O'Neill used some pretty Project Life cards on her card (you can see it here), and I thought that would be a great idea for mine as well, since I just got this Hello Lovely set, and I just love these colors:

Both panels are from the PL set; the numbers were cut with the Large Numbers die in Crisp Cantaloupe, and the sentiment is from Cheer All Year, stamped in Tip Top Taupe.  I embossed the Soft Sky base with the Perfect Polkadots embossing folder, then added a few sequins from the November Paper Pumpkin kit.  

Thanks for visiting today!

We were all sitting around the table after dinner a couple nights ago and Cassidy got a little piece of paper and a Sharpie (her favorite writing utensil) and wrote a little note and stuck it in her Advent box.  Dana questioned her about it and she told her she was writing the elves a note:

"Dear elfs, I'm getting tired of getting stickers.  But I like you still!"  Dana and I just cracked up!  She gets stickers, an occasional piece of candy and sometimes a little toy.  But apparently she is not too happy with the stickers!!!  Ralph the elf wrote her a note back and apologized:

 and the next day, she got a big ornament full of bubble bath:

Really, I don't think she's ungrateful; the look is because she had no CLUE what it was!!!  Now she can't wait to have her bath so she can bubble up!  But we did remind her that the Advent gifts are small; she'll get bigger gifts on Christmas!  But we might have created a monster!  Maybe next year we'll just do one of those little calendars with the tiny little windows that open up!

Have a blessed day!


  1. What a pretty card and quick and easy too, with the numbers still adding a wow for a milestone birthday. You are doing well to still be blogging this close to Christmas LeAnne - I am truly beat with so much to do, I've not managed to get into my office to make anything in nearly a fortnight or worse still write a post to share the things I have made lol! Love Cassidy's elf note - priceless! Hope she enjoyed her bubbles! Xx

  2. I always enjoy hearing what Cassidy is up to! Her note to the elfs is precious. My daughter found a little wooden nativity set that has a piece of the scene you put tpgrther each day She uses it as a centerpiece on her kitchen table. It's very clever how the pieces are revealed each day, starting with the stable and adding tiny figures, animals etc. Another year, she used one that had a chocolate for each day. No stickers!

  3. This card is so dainty. I love the colors too. The Cassidy story is precious. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I'll be looking forward to when you return in full force!

  4. Gotta love the innocence of youth! Love Doris' idea of adding elements to a nativity set and I'll just bet that would fit in Cassidy's wheelhouse just fine! Hip deep in prep for our celebrations too and not posting much either, just not enough time! Love this card and may just CASE it for my mom's 85th in February. Thanks always for all your inspiration! ~chris

  5. Pretty card.....great colors! And good for Cassidy speaking! So cute! Have a wonderful holiday!

  6. Such a beautiful card, LeAnne! Out of the mouths of babes, right?

  7. Beautiful card, and the colors are gorgeous! Color is one of my biggest challenges. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  8. Wow that card is gorgeous! Love that wreath image and you've done a stunning job with the layout here too! LOL!! That note made me chuckle!! Too cute! ;)

  9. So, SO pretty! Beautiful colors and lovely detail!

  10. This is a gorgeous card, and I like how you worked the SU Only challenge to use circles into it. Thanks for sharing it with us at SUOC!

  11. Oh my what a pretty birthday card!! Cassidy's note is a hoot and her reaction to the ornament, priceless!! Wishing you an your family a very Merry Christmas!!

  12. I laughed out loud when I read her note! Leave it to a child to tell it like it is. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.

  13. Oh, this is so pretty! I love how the numbers are highlighted by the pretty wreath. I hope you and your family had a blessed Christmas!

  14. Your card is lovely! The wreath, the papers, the sequins, the numbers, wonderful! Awesome note from Cassidy too. Too funny!

  15. Wow, LeAnne- your card is gorgeous! Love the use of the Project Life cards as well as all of your other details :-) Thanks for sharing with us at SUO Challenges! Cassidy is growing up so fast- love reading about your "adventures" :-) Hugs and Happy New Year, sweet friend!!

  16. Great card and the PL is just so perfect for our challenge. I love the colours and all the little details and I think it's really clever using those gorgeous images. So glad you joined the fun at SUOChallenges

  17. Love your bright and cheery card LeAnne. Project Life cards makes everything easier, even card making. Thanks for playing along with the SUO Challenge.

  18. Beautiful using up my PL cards, so this is perfect inspiration! Your story about Cassidy cracks me up! My son and DIL did Days of Christmas books...every day she got a new book, some little, some big. Quinn kept saying "no present". Evidently books aren't presents, even though they are wrapped! lol!

  19. Oh this is just stunning! Love how simple it is but perfect for a 60th birthday! Thanks for joining the SUO challenge!

  20. A gorgeous creation for sure!! Thanks for playing along in the SUO challenge this time!


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