

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

SIP67 Scottie Love

Hi everyone!  I promise I will not inundate you with Scottish-themed stuff all week long, but the very first thing I convinced my sister to do (she took me to Scotland) after we got off the plane in Edinburgh was to GO TO A STAMP SHOP!!!  Bless her heart....driving a stick shift car on the left side of the street, and I make her go to a rubber stamp store!  But she did...we stopped at Stampers Grove and I picked up a few Scottish-themed stamps!  So of course, I just had to use one today, along with some of the papers again from Carta Bella's Christmas Delivery papers and the sketch from this week's Stamp Ink Paper challenge:

So here we's a nice simple sketch, perfect for my little Scottie dog:

I always wanted a little dog like this; sadly, this is probably the closest I'll ever get, LOL!  I stamped my pup on Smoky Slate cardstock in Basic Black ink and added a little shading with some ink and a blender pen and cut him out.  Then I stamped him again on some white cardstock and popped him up with dimensionals and added a sentiment from Friendly Wishes:

I used a heart die and cut out four hearts from Riding Hood Red cardstock, glued them together, then used my crop-a-dile to punch a couple of holes to make a faux button.  I tied it with some black embroidery floss and glued it on:

Really quite an easy little card!  This little guy makes me smile!  

I didn't take too many pix in Scotland; my sister is the photographer and I am sure she'll be sharing hers with me soon.  This is the picturesque town of Tobermory on the Isle of Mull; we had some awesome fish and chips here:

We spent all our nights except one in B&Bs....this one was in Tobermory!  It was high on a hill overlooking the harbor!

John brought Cassidy with him when he picked me up at the train station as Dana was working....she didn't quite make it to 8:30:

Don't you love her bedtime attire?  A red t-shirt and a leopard-skin vest!  The fashion maven strikes again!  Enjoy your day and thanks for popping by!


  1. What a cute card (and doggie image)! Love the purple B&B.

  2. Well first of all I love the brightly colored houses! Second of all I love the sleeping! And third of all the card is adorable! I had a Scottie for fifteen years.....cutest dog ever....but oh so headstrong and stubborn......would never get

  3. Great Scottie stamp!!! And the card is perfect in its simplicity. I'm so jealous that you went to Scotland - my father's family is from there many generations back! I've only been to Edinburgh, the gardens were so beautiful, I'll never forget it!

  4. LeAnne, what a super sweet Scottie stamp! And thanks for sharing some beautiful photos of your vacation! I would totally hit up a local stamp store first too. I'm so jealous! Thanks for joining us again this week at Stamp, Ink, Paper! xo Crystal

  5. What a really adorable card!! I really love that plaid paper! :) Those photos are so awesome too!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. This is so cute, LeAnne! I'm glad you were able to visit a (?) stamp store and get this sweet Scottie stamp. He looks fantastic on the red plaid DSP too. Love the pictures you shared and I hope you sister provides some more for you to show us!

  7. D'aaawwwww! I had a Westie growing up (like the white version of a Scottie) and this totally reminds me of him. I love your layers and your little heart embellishment. Thank you so much for sharing this adorable card! It sounds like you had a lot of fun in Scotland, too.

  8. Love the card and the photo's of Scotland where I was born, sigh.
    Rene from OZ x

  9. You can use plaid paper and scotties all you want LeAnne because this is adorable! What a colorful landscape, too!

  10. How FUN to take the trip with your sister and how FUN to go to a stamp store there!! CUTE card LeAnne. This scotty dog looks exactly like one a former neighbor had. Her name was Tiffany...the dog, not the neighbor!! Awww, look at your little fashionista, so sweet!

  11. Stinkin' cute stamp and I love the card you made with it! I'll amend my comment from another post and say I'm glad you HAD a great time. :) I love the colors in that town. I imagine it's very welcoming to fishermen coming off the water on a cold rainy day.

  12. Such a cute card. Made me smile as soon as I saw it. I, too love Scotties but will probably never have one either. Have a 17 year old dachshund now and she will be the last! What a wonderful trip you must of had. The pictures are fabulous. Also, I think we may be practically neighbors...I live in Chadds Ford.

    1. Oh my, we ARE neighbors! You should email me and we can stamp together!

  13. What a cute card, LeAnne! I think your Scottie dog is just perfect and I love how you stamped him! Then there is that amazing plaid paper! Sigh! I love all things plaid!!! This card is just perfect in my eyes! Gorgeous photo's as well of your trip to Scotland! Love how colorful the houses are!


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