

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Golden Pinecones Christmas

Hi peeps!  I was experimenting with some watercolored backgrounds....I definitely need more practice!  My card today is for the 52 (Christmas) Card Throwdown:

as well as the Jingle Belles' "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" challenge, which is to use music on your card!  So here we go:

I hadn't put away my new Christmas Pines set, so after doing the watercolor background on my el-cheapo watercolor paper (wet it, dab on Pear Pizzazz ink, then dry with a heat gun), I stamped the pine bough in Garden Green, the "Noel" in Cherry Cobbler, and added some gold accents and stars:

But I thought it looked a bit bare, so I decided to try out one of the pine cone dies from the Pretty Pines set with some gold foil; WOWZA!  Check these out:

I haven't been this jazzed up about a die for a long time!  It creates an awesome effect!  I added some sheet music DSP from last year's holiday catalog on a Cherry Cobbler card base, then stamped another sentiment and some more gold stuff on the inside, using a leftover piece of that el-cheapo stuff:

Another Christmas card for my stash!

And a little photo from Sunday's Fish dad, Jim, with his two great-grandchildren, Jamison and Cassidy!!  Love!

Thanks for popping in today!


  1. Wow! This card is gorgeous! I love those gold pine cones!

  2. We were channeling the same set today...... I love your golden pine ones way better than my plain ones! Going to have to break out the gold foil!

  3. Gorgeous card ... LOve the pine cones... but flip them, LeAnne and you have fabulous pineapples!!! Darling photo of your dad and the kids!

  4. Lovely card and those gold pine cones are gorgeous! Thanks for joining us at 52CCT, April x

  5. OMG - this card is gorgeous! I just got the stamp set and dies too! YAY! I may have to case this for my seniors holiday class in October! ~chris

  6. AWESOME LeAnne! I love this. Still waiting on my order.

  7. So pretty. Love the gold pine cones.
    Very nice photo of your dad and his great-grandchildren. Precious Memories.

  8. I love your stamping over the watercolour background - great idea. Thanks for joining us at 52 Christmas Card Throwdown, Gill, DT.

  9. Lovely card! It's a set I've been considering picking up once the catalog goes live. Great picture of the greats too! :)

  10. What a beauty LeAnne!! WOWZA to those pinecones!! Precious photo of your dad and the littles!!

  11. Those gold foil pine cones are da' bomb ... absolutely fabulous holiday card ... thanks for getting musical with us at jingle belles.

  12. Fabulous card LeAnne - love all the elements especially the gold cones

  13. Stunning! I really like the softly watercoloured background with those bold gold pinecones. Thanks so much for playing along with our technique challenge at 52CCT this week! Deborah, DT.

  14. YOWZA! what a beautiful holiday card, every single element works together perfectly! thanks for singing along with us at JINGLE BELLES! ♥


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