

Friday, July 22, 2016

FMS246 Thinking of You

Happy Friday, peeps!  Yay, the weekend is here!  I am draggin' this week!  We hosted our small group picnic last night, and it was wonderful, but what with the garden and swimming and all the other summer activities, I think I need a vacation!  I did get a wee bit of stamping time in yesterday and played with the FMS sketch by Rita:

As I am posting this, I am seeing a glaring error that I made in my card, but I'll tell you about it later!  Here we go:

I have two nephews that are away this summer; my sister's son is at West Point, and John's sister's son is at Officer's Candidate School at Quantico, so you may see more masculine cards for a while, as they both enjoy getting mail!  This card uses some older Basic Grey paper called Wander, and I used a Poppystamps die called Greeting Tags to make the tag, also from the BG papers.  The tag was a little shorter than I liked, so I actually cut two of them and pieced them together to make a longer one.  I punched a circle and made a couple of banners, then stamped "thinking of" with the Labeler Alphabet with Delightful Dijon ink on the narrower one.  This set is just so versatile, and being photopolymer, is really easy to line up!  I added a Route 66 image from Artistic Outpost's set of the same name, a star, and a couple of the new enamel embellishments.  As an afterthought, since the "you" at the bottom of the tag is a little hard to notice, I added an acrylic arrow from a Project Life added a nice touch, I thought...of course, it's for a young guy, so who knows what he will think, LOL!

And what was my error?  I forgot to put anything at the top of the tag...I sent it out with a big gaping hole there.  Again, I am sure my nephew will totally not notice that at all!!!

We were blessed with a good zucchini crop this year, which is nice, because we lost all our plants last year, and I really love zucchini!  I decided to slice most of it up and bag it; if I want to saute it, it's ready to go; if I want to shred it for bread or zucchini crab cakes, I just need to throw it in the processor and chop it up!  Cassidy was very helpful, putting the slices carefully in the bags!  I added a couple of paper towels to absorb moisture, and they're in the fridge, waiting to be transformed!

Thanks for popping by today!  Stay cool!


  1. A great colourful guy card LeAnne - and an empty tag top makes for easier posting lol! Glad your zucchini crop is looking good- I am hoping mine will be in full swing when I get home, I'm looking forward to trying out your zucchini bread recipe!

  2. I LOve that paper, LeAnne. You've done a fantastic job of adding just the right touches to draw the eye to your elements ... I used to live about 5 miles from West Point!! Gorgeous area, and oh so historic, too. I adore zucchini and would love to be your neighbor for SO many reasons! Have you tried the brownies yet? xx

  3. How could he possibly NOT love that card! It's great! Glad you are getting some zucchini. I was disappointed that we never did get a garden in this year, in spite of getting it all tilled and ready. Kids have just kept us way too busy! ~chris

  4. This is such a great masculine card, LeAnne! I love the paper and your super adorable tag! It really looks terrific without any ribbon or twine on it. I love how you used the Labeler Alphabet set on the banner! That set is growing on me! LOL I have been looking for zucchini recipes all week trying to get some of my stash used up! My neighbor keeps giving us handfuls while we have our own garden with zucchini! I made Lemon Glazed Zucchini Bread on Tuesday, yum yum yum! Anyways, great card & Happy Friday! OH, and stay cool.

  5. Super fun card design LeAnne! :) Love the colors and great take on the sketch!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Great card to send your nephew, LeAnne! I love the DSP and the colors in it. I know he'll appreciate receiving it. Cassidy is such a helper and I hope she sticks with it!

  7. What a FUN card, love ll of the details!!

  8. Loving this card LeAnne! The paper you've used is so cool and detailed and perfect for a man card. Thanks for joining us at FMS this week!


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