

Friday, May 27, 2016

MTS126 You're So Sweet

Happy Friday, peeps!  Yay, it's a holiday weekend here in the states as well!  I sat down last night and whipped up this sweet little card so quickly, it made my head spin!  I love it when things come together quickly!  I used the Match The Sketch sketch:

and some of the last few pieces of Sweet Li'l Things DSP I had in my stash:

Easy peasy!  I used a sentiment from the soon-to-be-retired All Boxed Up, stamped in Watermelon Wonder, and cut out a few strawberries to add as embellishments.  My horizontal banner is embossed with Softly Falling:

And on the inside, a sentiment from Cottage Greetings:

So happy you stopped by to visit today!

A pair of Carolina wrens decided to make a nest in a bird house that Cassidy's daddy made for her:

I got a chuckle as some of the nesting material didn't quite fit through the hole!  But they persevered, and have established a surprisingly large nest inside.  It is in our flower garden right outside our door, so I am sure we'll see activity when and if they lay seems they may make two or three nests before deciding on exactly where to settle down!  Cassidy took a peek inside while they were off scouting the neighborhood!

We'll keep you posted!


  1. Darling, truly sweet card, LeAnne! Congrats on the Carolina Wrens! Oh do I love the jaunty slant of their tails! Enjoy the long weekend!

  2. So adorable! I love monochromatic cards. Thanks for sharing the bird pics, too. Looking forward to seeing the young-ins!

  3. Deine Karte gefällt mir, da hast du den Sketch schön umgesetzt! Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme bei Match-the-Sketch und viel Glück bei der Challenge! Liebe Grüße, Fanny

  4. LeAnne, what a great set of photos. I know what you mean about their long sticks and small holes. We watch the male for hours going backwards and forwards before he finally gets it in. Gorgeous card, too! I love the layers of texture you created and the single pop of color is perfect

  5. This is perfectly sweet and summery! Hope the lay the eggs in Cassidy's bird house, I'm sure she would love that!!


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